
ifcfg-ens32 --static TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=static DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV6INIT=yes IPV6_AUTOCONF=yes IPV6_DEFROUTE=yes IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=no NAME=ens32 UUID=62fdc2e9-3be7--a846-f6ba391d8db7 ONBOOT=no IPADDR= PREFIX= GATEWAY=1…
Sharing Host VPN with VirtualBox guest After looking for this solution everywhere, I finally found a working solution that doesn't require a lot of configuration changes and is really simple. Use the default NAT network and type this in the terminal:…
问题:服务配置错误消息(Service Configuration Error Messages) 有时,在通过Cisco IOS软件启动Cisco设备期间,会显示与这些类似的错误消息: %Error opening tftp:// (Socket error) %Error opening tftp:// (Socket error) %Error opening tftp://2…
Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, but if you reboot your system, it will disabled. b)    permanent ways: edit "/etc/sysconfig/network" HOSTNAME, then restart system, it will effect…
Configuring Network in CentOS 6.3 Virtual Box + Screenshots Posted: May 23, 2013 in Uncategorized Tags: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, centos 6.3, centos 6.5, command line, configure network, internet, ip address, terminal, virtual box, w…
system:openSuSE 12.3(much better and frendly than the 12.1 in network config)1,network config,attention the Domain Name,site is the zone name,linux-johv is mac name2,dns config by yast2a)NS Records of 211.168.192.in-addr.arpa and site.test.com are sa…
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc756878(v=ws.10).aspx In this section Network Load Balancing Terms and Definitions Network Load Balancing Architecture Network Load Balancing Protocols Application Compatibility with Network Load Balancing…
前言:前面的部分一直都是单机跑docker,但实际生产环境不可能只用一台来跑.肯定会用到多台,因为他们都是内部私有ip,那么多台主机之间的容器如何通信?这个是个很头疼的问题!目前主流几种方法如下: 1.使用路由机制打通网络 2.使用Open vSwitch(OVS)打通网络 3.使用flannel来打通网络 4.使用Quagga来实现自动学习路由 第一种:使用路由机制打通网络 使用linux的路由来打通网络 优点: 常规路由技术 使用传统网络技术 简单 高性能 缺点: 与现有网络融为一体 灵活性…
电脑安装openSUSE42.3和 Ubuntu16.04 双系统,当电脑插上网线后开机会出现A start job is running for Network Manager wait online (29s / no limit) 等待30S时间的提示,不插网线不会出现,通过网上查资料和实验得出结论应该是:通过Network Manager来管理网络后有线网络通过DHCP获取网络地址,这样当插上有线网络开机后会在线等待获取IP地址,等待时间是30s,解决办法是关闭Network Manag…
# -*- mode: ruby -*-# vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know…