How to Check some table was locked】的更多相关文章

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Unlike in Oracle, sqlserver has an special data type in order by make identity growth. But what about if the number is exceed or approaching the limited ? Yes. there will show an error like : Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type…
Dear all: I had put "partition_show" before . but this time it makes faster. partition_show: SET ANSI_NULLS ONGO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO create view [dbo].[partition_show]asWITH tobjectid AS(select t.object_id from sys.tables as t inner join…
mysql主从复制中的从库突然出现了警报,sql_thread停止了,show slave status\G;查看 mysql> show slave status\G ; . row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event Master_Host: IPAddr Master_User: wxapi_slave3309 Master_Port: Connect_Retry: Mas…
//建测试表 create table dept( deptno number(3) primary key, dname varchar2(10), loc varchar2(13) ); create table employee_info( empno number(3), deptno number(3), ename varchar2(10), sex char(1), phone number(11), address varchar2(50), introduce varchar2…
本文转载自: 问题的引入 让我们先来观察几条非常简单的MySQL语句: mysql> create temporary table tmp(id int, data char(20)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> create table tmp(id int, data char(20)); Query OK, 0 rows…
One command, which few people realize exists is SHOW OPEN TABLES – it allows you to examine what tables do you have open right now: mysql> show open tables from test; +----------+-------+--------+-------------+ | Database | Table | In_use | Name_lock…
转载自: 使用的API: data1.json data2.json data3.json data4.json /examples/bootstrap_table/data?offset=0&limit=10&search=test AJAX: Use url, method, cache, contentType, dataType, qu…
调用 BootStrap Table 方法的语法: $('#table').bootstrapTable('method', parameter); 例如: $('#my_table').bootstrapTable('refreshOptions', { data: tabledata }); //刷新表格  tabledata 为数据 $("#my_table").bootstrapTable('removeAll'); //清空表格数据 $('#my_table').bootst…
February 16, 2017 10:39 Goal In this article we will try to understand and answer to the below two question. How to understand the segment mode and status of gp_segment_configuration table ? What does 'c', 'r', 's' mean in mode column of gp_segment_c…