common tar command】的更多相关文章

Compress tar -cvzf jy2653.2.tgz jy2653.2 Decompress tar -xvf jy2653.1.tgz…
reference : The ‘tar’ saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive. It is very useful in such conditions like when we want to send a…
FROM: 18 Tar Command Examples in Linux By Ravi Saive Under: CentOS, Fedora, Linux Commands, Linux Distros, RedHat On: September 15, 2012 The Linux “tar” stands for tape archive, which is used b…
-c: compress archives -x:decompress archives -t:check archives -z:whether it has the attribute of gzip at the same time?in other words,whether it needs gzip to compress or decompress. The general format is xx.tar.gz or xx. tgz -j:whether it has the a…
Config: git config --system git config --global git config --global merge.tool vimdiff Check config: git config --list git config Git 为你的每一个提交都记录你的名字与电子邮箱地址,所以第一步需要配置用户名和邮箱地址. Stage: .git/index file repository (hiden):.git Common operation:…
不多说,直接上干货! 首先,别在windows下搭建什么,安装什么Cygwin啊!直接在linux,对于企业里推荐用CentOS6.5,在学校里用Ubuntu. Mahout安装所需软件清单: 软件 版本 说明 操作系统 CentOS6.5 64位 JDK jdk1.7.0_79 Hadoop 2.6.0 Mahout mahout-distribution-0.8 为什么采用这个版本,而不是0.9及其以后的版本,是因为差别有点大,比如fpg关联规则算法.以及网上参考资料少 说在前面的话, 关于…
  In Unix, the name of the tar command is short for tape archiving, the storing of entire file systems onto magnetic tape, which is one use for the command. However, a more common use for tar is to simply combine a few files into a single file, for e…
1, 对于tar.gz 压缩:tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name 解压:tar -zxvf prog-1-jan-2005.tar.gz -C /tmp The Linux “tar” stands for tape archive, which is used by large number of Linux/Unix syst…
Interception: Here, you will learn how to intercept EF when it executes database commands. EF 6 provides the ability to intercept the context using IDbCommandInterceptor before and after it performs the ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader o…
一,安装timesten IMDB并测试 1. 创建数据库相关用户和组 groupadd timesten useradd -g timesten -G dba timesten passwd timesten 2. 创建相关目录 mkdir /etc/TimesTen chmod 775 /etc/TimesTen chown timesten:timesten /etc/TimesTen mkdir /u01/app/timesTen chmod 775 /u01/app/timesTen…