install ubuntu】的更多相关文章 Determine your hardware revision To determine which version / generation of MacBook Pro you have, you have multiple options: From the GUI in OS X Click on the Apple on the top left > "About this Mac&quo…
进入引导程序以后, 选择Install Ubuntu Server, 安装主菜单如下: 依次配置: 接着…
install ubuntu1, mysql serversudo apt-get install mysql-server2, ssh sudo apt-get install openssh-server ///////////////////////////////////////wget #install MPSSE libraries for NFC and ADXLsudo ap…
Ref: Install Ubuntu on Meego Pad T01 with a Live ISO Image MeegoPad T01 has recently been shown to boot Ubuntu and Android, but no installation disk had been provided so far. But thanks to deadhp1, there’s now a “beta” Ubuntu 14.10 image with MATE de…
kinect driver 安装过程: 1.在ubuntu上安装kinect驱动比较繁琐,需要安装以下3个驱动包, OpenNI-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.7.10 NITE-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.2.23 Sensor-Bin-Linux-x64-v5.1.2.1 2. 可以直接在网盘下载: 提取密码:wrmn 3.下载好三个驱动包后,在相应的文件夹解压. 4.然后一次安装: 安装之前首先…
After you download the VirtualBox install package and install it (just defualt setting). Then you should download the ubuntu.iso file from the website. There are many articles about how to do this. What I want to point out is the error when installin…
1. key 1) Online way apt-key adv --keyserver "" --recv-keys "0x6B73A36E6026DFCA" 2. install Erlang wget sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_al…
Android 是基于Linux内核的开源操作系统,主要用在移动设备上.当然同样是基于Linux内核的操作系统,现在支持的Android的智能手机理论来说都能运行基于Linux的操作系统,比如现在流行的发行版:Ubuntu.Fedora 等等.不仅如此,现在的智能移动设备的硬件也越来越强,更为能运行Linux系统提供了良好的硬件支持. 工具/原料   Android Terminal Emulator (终端模拟器) :用于运行 shell 脚本 (可在Google Play下安装) BusyB…
Citrix Xen sucks! When u try to install linux stuff on its Xen servers, u will get an error complaining errors like below: ' ......the bootloader for this VM returned an error -- did the VM installation succeed? INVALID_SOURCE Unable to access a requ… firefox flash plugins install sougou input…