Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot VM not loaded The -F option can be used when the target process is not responding 在用jstack工具查看jvm线程的运行情况时出现上述错误.就是因为该进程长时间没有启停,在/tmp/hsperfdata_'username'/文件夹下的该进程文件被Linux自身的机制(tm…
pid:Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSport VM not loadedThe -F option can be used when the target process is not responding. 解决办法: 切换到进程用户 & cd 到进程用户文件夹下.…
原文:ASP.Net Core 2.2使用SQLite数据库unable to open database file 最近把项目更新到了ASP.Net Core 2.2,发布之后发现在IIS下使用SQLite数据库不行了,报异常说不能打开数据库."unable to open database file",奇了个怪了.照理说这个不是权限就是路径错了,权限直接加了Everyone也无济于事,后来换成绝对路径就可以了,那说明确实是路径错了. 但是写的相对路径肯定是没错的,使用 dotnet…
A database connect, there updated both queries (different statement, and regardless of order), after completing the implementation, not close, will have an extension called s3db-journal of the (temporary) file, if the use of the connect again the upd…
相关资料:http://www.dfwlt.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1497&extra= 问题现象:FireDAC连接Sqlite3在开发电脑上没有问题,但将程序放在XP上就提示“unable to open database file”(后来发现别的WIN7也不行). 问题原因:可能是因为字符串编码问题. 问题处理:在FDConnection1控件上双击,出现的设置中,必须设置二项,"OpenMode=CreateUTF8"…
本文转自:http://www.developerbits.com/tag/unable-to-build-the-file-dx-jar-was-not-loaded-from-the-sdk-folder/ Problem While trying to run Android applications using eclipse IDE, the following build error occurs: Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not l…