building a new horizon】的更多相关文章

昨天是4月14日,也是我的23岁生日.正好去参加GDG举办的WTM,这次的主题是building a new horizon. 写一下印象深刻的分享者和她们的闪光点. 1.羡辙-从灵感到落地 羡辙是在开源社区比较活跃的人,主要在做的是前端可视化的项目.她分享的是如何激发.记录并落地自己的灵感,并将这些落地的项目开源分享出来.主要介绍了自己四个有意思的小项目,分别是与羡辙聊天中.动态水球效果.在线婚礼的小动画以及口红色号的可视化.羡辙是一个比较有脑洞和执行力的人,她希望能有更多人也能和她一样,去落…
Building Contributor Documentation This documentation is written by contributors, for contributors. The source is maintained in the doc/source directory using reStructuredText and built by Sphinx Building Automatically: $ ./ --docs Buildi…
[POJ3277]City Horizon 试题描述 Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the cows gaze at the city horizon and observe the beautiful silhouettes formed by the rectangular buildings. The entire horizon is represented by a numb…
POJ 3277 City Horizon Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 18466 Accepted: 5077 Description Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the cows gaze at the city horizon and observe the beautiful silho… City Horizon Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15255   Accepted: 4111 Description Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the cows gaze at the city horizon and o…
1645: [Usaco2007 Open]City Horizon 城市地平线 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 315  Solved: 157[Submit][Status] Description Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the cows gaze at the city horizon and observe t…
Description Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the cows gaze at the city horizon and observe the beautiful silhouettes formed by the rectangular buildings. The entire horizon is represented by a number line with N…
BZOJ_1654_[Usaco2007 Open]City Horizon 城市地平线_扫描线 Description N个矩形块,交求面积并. Input * Line 1: A single integer: N * Lines 2..N+1: Input line i+1 describes building i with three space-separated integers: A_i, B_i, and H_i Output * Line 1: The total area,…
[BZOJ1645][Usaco2007 Open]City Horizon 城市地平线 Description Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the cows gaze at the city horizon and observe the beautiful silhouettes formed by the rectangular buildings. The entire ho… 这题的方法很奇妙啊...一开始我打了一个“离散”后的线段树.............果然爆了..(因为压根没离散) 这题我们可以画图知道,每2个点都有一个区间,而这个区间的高度是一样的,因此,我们只需要找相邻的两个点,用他们的距离×这个区间的高度就是这块矩形的面积. 将所有这样的矩形累计起来就是答案了. 因此线段树就离散到了O(n)的大小..真神.. 只需要维护点的位置,然后维护区间最值即可…