Issue: When you launch an instance in Newton, you may find that the instance cannot be started due to following error message. No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available. Solution: 1. Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf 2. Change ram_allocati…
root@dell-PowerEdge-T30:~# gedit /var/log/nova/nova-conductor.logroot@dell-PowerEdge-T30:~# gedit /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log \2018-03-15 14:20:35.913 1140 INFO nova.filters [req-72a6c461-d33b-4e71-a150-24c397765105 be65496d92cf4f0cad11a8f286bb6…
目录 No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available-----openstack建虚拟机直接报错 一.问题现象: 二.解决思路: 1.查看计算节点的nova-compute 日志,发现如下日志: 2.查看nova-scheduler.log 3.进数据查看数据库表 4.尝试将compute节点从nova service-list中删除,并重新加入到集群中 5.再次进入数据库,执行 select * from resour…
Issue: When you want to create an image in RDO stack newton version, you may encounter following error. The current Horizon settings indicate no valid image creation methods are available. Providing an image location and/or uploading from the local f…
问题解决: 这个错误是:yarn里面的配置的格式有错误:如: <property> <name>yarn.resourcemanager.address</name> <value>Master:8032</value> </property> <property> 在<value>标签之间不能有空格.去掉空格OK. 异常堆栈如下 -- ::, INFO org.apache.hadoop.service.Ab…
ERRORorg.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host;port authority 这个问题找了很久的原因没找到,最后通过强大的google才找到一篇文章写着linux系统不能有下划线,果断更改主机名,格式化成功.…
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host:port authority: master:8031 (configuration property 'yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.address') at at org.apache…
Issue: When you install RDO stack on CentOS, you may encounter following error. Error: [root@localhost ~]# packstack --allinone ERROR:root:Failed to load plugin from file ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/p…
完整报错是: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host:port authority: hadoop:password@node56:9000 解决方案: 我在添加hadoop cluster的时候报错如上,去掉了用户名和密码就好了~~~~~~~~~,出现如下就可以使用了(譬如添加hadoop copy file也能读取到文件夹里面的文件了)----右侧的 × 和!不影响使用…
hadoop环境部署完,执行hdfs zkfc -formatZK命令时,提示如上图所示错误 错误内容: [root@study_1_1 hadoop]# hdfs zkfc -formatZK Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host:port authority: study_1_1:9000 at…
报错:启动hadoop报does not contain a valid host:port authority:node2_1:9000 原因:主机的hostname不合法,修改为不包含着‘.’ '/' '_'等非法字符.…
假如定义形如"{}[]()"或者"{[()]}"的模式为valid,"[{]"或者"(("的模式为invalid,那么我们可以使用一个stack或者递归下降的方法实现. 这里我先用stack实现一次. 实现的思路是. 当遇到开始符号时('[','{'或者'('),我们就将其push进栈.当遇到结束符号的时候,就pop盏里面的元素看是否匹配,否则返回false. public boolean isValid(String s)…
Issue: When you create an instance, but cannot connect to the VNC Server because of the error message, "Failed connect to server". Reason: Your nova vnc configuration may be mapped to wrong vnc server. Solution: 1. vi /etc/nova/nova.conf 2. find…
感谢朋友支持本博客,欢迎共同探讨交流.因为能力和时间有限,错误之处在所难免,欢迎指正! 假设转载,请保留作者信息. 博客地址: 原博文地址: 1.首先查看全部服务是否已经启动 运行 # nova-manage service list Binary             Host       Zone         …
Issue: There are many root causes to make your openstack vm instances cannot be reached from external network. But one of them in my case is VMs and Host (Openstack host) can only ping each other successfully; others are all failed, including vms can…
1. 2. dashboard页面上创建云主机时发现没有可以使用的可用域,于是登录控制节点查看服务状态 nova service-list 发现nova-compute 的Status为disabled,state为down,disable reason为AUTO: Failed to co…
set in nova.conf -> scheduler_default_filters=AllHostsFilter Tried without success.…
异常原因是url写错,导致无法解析 比如:这个报错就是因为写了两个“http:”导致该无法解析…
instance create:nova/api/servers.create -- self.compute_api.create -- self.compute_task_api.build_instances-- self.conductor_compute_rpcapi.build_instances(conductorp/ --  cctxt.cast(context, 'build_instances', **kw)从nova api到conductor的调用为异步co…
问题说明:在openstack上创建虚拟机,之前已顺利创建了n个centos6.8镜像的vm现在用ubuntu14.04镜像创建vm,发现vm创建后的状态为ERROR! 1)终端命令行操作vm创建 [root@linux-node2 src]# nova boot --flavor kvm002 --image ubuntu-14.04 --nic net-id=3a5cef6e-2c12-4f26-938c-5d343edc91b3 --security-group default --key…
ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent [-] An interface driver must be specified No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available…
input { file { codec => multiline { pattern => "^\[2016" negate => true what => previous } type => "log4j" path => "/usr/local/soft/logs/*.log" } } filter { grok { match => { "message" => &qu…
No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe6 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)…
概要 apt使用本地源,pip使用本地源 网络环境 物理机环境 网络名 网络地址 VLAN br-ex 90 br-mgmt 92 ansible控制主机配置 主机类型 操作系统 配置 角色 KVM虚拟机 ubuntu 16.04 TLS server 内存:2GB 磁盘:30GB 网卡:ens3(br-ex) ens4(br-mgmt) deploy 网络名 网络地址 VLAN 管理网络 10 内…
最近自己装了下Openstack,零基础安装,参照了网上不少教程. 吃了百家饭的后果,就是出现了一堆不明问题...openstack安装比较复杂,很多配置文件,一个地方配置不正确,可能会导致后面的功能不可用. 仅以此文记录安装结束后,启动实例时候遇到的一系列错误及排查过程. BUG 1: No valid host 报错 No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available. 解决方法 网络节点执行 [root@opensta…
To get an idea of what all of this stuff “does,” let me start off with an update on the average day at Stack Overflow. So you can compare to theprevious numbers from November 2013, here’s a day of statistics from February 9th, 2016 with differences s…
错误: 创建实例 "ce" 失败: 请稍后再试 [错误: No valid host was found. ].…
电脑修改 注意:usb设置为调试模式 1.手机必须先root,小米可以安卓开发版系统即可 2.安卓 adb工具(android debug bridge) 3.依次执行下面的命令 1.adb root 获得root权限 会自动启动server 2.adb remount 设置/system为可读写: 3.adb pull /system/etc/hosts 将手机的hosts文件复制到PC的C盘根目录 4.PC机上打开hosts文件,修改完成后,保存 5.adb push hosts /syst…