
最简单的分组 var conHistoryList = conHistoryData.GroupBy(g => g.personId); 就是conHistoryData是一个IQueryable<T>类型: 分组后组内排序 var conHistoryList = conHistoryData.GroupBy(g => g.personId).Select(g => g.OrderBy(c => c.addTime)); 对数据分组之后在根据每一个分组内的某一个元素排…
1.左连接使用DefaultIfEmpty(): 2.分组时候判断newper.FirstOrDefault() == null ? null: newper.ToList()这个经常出错误,如果不判断,会出现空引用的错误 class Program { class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } } class Pet { public string Name…
来源 准备一些测试数据,如下: use Test Create table Student( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50) not null ) Create Table Book( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50)no…
var query1 = from r in _residentRepository.GetAll() join i in _inLogRepository.GetAll() on r.Id equals i.ResidentId into tmp_ir from ir in tmp_ir.DefaultIfEmpty() || r.Id == select new { resId = r.Id, Id = ir.Id }; var sum1 = query1.Count(); 结果:左连接 一…
如果连接的数据不存在用 null 表示,则可以左连接查询,但是如果数据类型为 int 则会出错. var ng = (from g in _db.NET_NEWS_GROUP join z in _db.NET_NEWS_GROUP_INFO on g.NET_NEWS_GROUP_ID equals z.NET_NEWS_GROUP_ID into nglist from n in nglist.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { NET_NEWS_GROUP_ID =…
Suppose you have a tblRoom and tblUserInfo. Now, you need to select all the rooms regardless of whether the room has user information or not. This calls for a LEFT JOIN which will select everything from the LEFT side (the room side) regardless of the…
Table1和Table2连接,把Table1的全列出来 var tempData = from a in table1 join b in table2 on a.Id equals b.aId into TempTable from temp in TempTable.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { Program = a.UnitOfBusiness, Tier = a.Tier, Market = a.Market, Id = a.Id, CRM = temo…
var list = (from item in vall join item3 in v1 on new { item.FItemID, item.FAuxPropID } equals new { item3.FItemID, item3.FAuxPropID } into stockqty from itemstock in stockqty.DefaultIfEmpty() select new ICStockBillEntry { FAuxPropID = item.FAuxPropI…
//判断右表是否为空并为映射表进行赋值标志var query=from q in product join m in favProduct on q.Name equals m.Name into t from x in t.DefalultEmpty() select new { Name=q.Name, fav=x!=null }…
//第一个集合为所有的数据 var specilist = new List<Me.SpecificationsInfo>(); var resultall = (from a in dbContext.by_sku_items                                        join b in dbContext.by_attributes on a.by_attributes_id equals b.by_attributes_id             …