Matlab illustrate stiffness】的更多相关文章

% matlab script to illustrate stiffness % using simple flame propagation model close all clear all % define the right-hand side of the ODE F = inline('y^2 - y^3','t','y'); delta = 0.01; % not stiff tic ode23(F,[0 2/delta],delta); toc disp('Press any… Loren on the Art of MATLAB March 1st, 2007 Creating Sparse Finite-Element Matrices in MATLAB I'm pleased to introduce Tim Davis as this week's guest blogge…
% Matlab script to illustrate the secant method % to solve a nonlinear equation % this particular script finds the square root of a number M % (input by the user) % note that the function we are trying to zero is f(x) = x^2 - M. % this function is ha…
1.       Preparation 2.       A brief introduce to netCDF. 4 3.       Data Structure. 4 3.1   Attributes. 7 3.2   Dimensions. 8 3.3   Variables. 9 Classfication. 10 3.4   Groups. 11 4.       Source Code. 12 4.1   Get data from netCDF file. 12 4.2   G…
Matlab画图设置线宽和字号 既然这么多人来这里看过,我就多做点注释,方便大家参考. 下边这段代码不需要特别设置,只需要在plot语句之后插入即可. %plot your figure before %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(gcf,'Units','centimeters','Position',[10 10 7 5]);%设置图片大小为7cm×5cm%get hanlde to current axis返回当前图形的当前坐标轴的句柄,%(the first ele…
Matlab函数--awgn awgn 将白色高斯噪声添加到信号中 语法  y = awgn(x,snr)  y = awgn(x,snr,sigpower)  y = awgn(x,snr,'measured')  y = awgn(x,snr,sigpower,state)  y = awgn(x,snr,'measured',state)  y = awgn(...,powertype)  描述 y = awgn(x,snr)将白高斯噪声添加到向量信号x中.标量snr指定了每一个采样点信号…
% Matlab script to illustrate Newton's method % to solve a nonlinear equation % this particular script finds the square root of a number M % (input by the user) % note that the function we are trying to zero is f(x) = x^2 - M. % its derivative is f'(…
一.混淆矩阵 (一).简介 在人工智能中,混淆矩阵(confusion matrix)是可视化工具,特别用于监督学习,在无监督学习一般叫做匹配矩阵.在图像精度评价中,主要用于比较分类结果和实际测得值,可以把分类结果的精度显示在一个混淆矩阵里面.混淆矩阵是通过将每个实测像元的位置和分类与分类图像中的相应位置和分类像比较计算的. 混淆矩阵(confusion matrix)刻画一个分类器的分类准确程度.“混淆”一词也形象地表达了分类器面对多个分类时可能造成的混淆. (二).混淆矩阵(Confusio…
Matlab流体后处理中的奇淫巧术总结 主要参考\demos\volvec.m示例 1.等值面绘制 %% Isosurface of MRI Data cla load mri D = squeeze(D); [x, y, z, D] = subvolume(D, [nan nan nan nan nan 4]); p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,D, 5), 'FaceColor', 'red', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); patch(isocaps(x…
前言:在地球物理勘探,流体空间分布等多种场景中,定位空间点P(x,y,x)的物理属性值Q,并绘制三维空间分布图,对我们洞察空间场景有十分重要的意义. 1. 三维立体图的基本要件: 全空间网格化 网格节点的物理属性值 2.数据准备 数据不易贴,我放在了百度网盘:点击下载数据 大概如下形式: TIP: 这里的数据矩阵为v(5276),可以看成一本27页纸,每页绘制了5*6的网格,然后27页纸叠在一起.当你理解本图绘制后,数据可以随意制作. 3.主要函数:slice.isosurface.patch…