SQL Source Control】的更多相关文章

原文地址:http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/350165431 SQL Server 一直没有一款很好的源码控制器,之前自己曾尝试自己写一个,将所有的 脚本 自动生成到某一目录下,然后将该目录提交到SVN中,进行管理,但是由于 有些存储过程中的 引号太多,没能把脚本完整的导出,最后只好搁浅 了. 昨天在逛国外论坛时 ,遇到了一款很强大的工具. 只有 20多天的使用期限,我在国外没找到 序列号,在国内发现没有研究这个工具的Programer. 所以分享给大家,一起来研究下. 我…
原文:Red Gate系列之二 SQL Source Control Edition 数据库版本控制器 完全破解+使用教程 Red Gate系列之二 SQL Source Control Edition 数据库版本控制器 完全破解+使用教程 Red Gate系列文章: Red Gate系列之一 SQL Compare Edition 数据库比较工具 完全破解+使用教程 Red Gate系列之二 SQL Source Cont…
https://www.red-gate.com/hub/product-learning/sql-source-control/source-controlling-database-permissions Adding a User filter in SQL Source Control Like the Ignore users’ option, we now want to filter out any User objects from being committed to sour…
1.clone the git repository for datbase 2.open sql source control window and select the target database 3.in setup tab, link to my source control system 4.link to custom…
You'll use SQL Source Control differently depending on which development model you're using: 不同的模式有不同的使用方式 The dedicated model In the dedicated model, each developer has their own copy of the database. If this is what you're doing, read Teams using t…
https://documentation.red-gate.com/soc6/common-tasks/exclude-objects-using-filters 如果有人上传了filter,name需要在sql source control的Get Latest的选项卡中pull from remote repository(也可以后台,在git版本库中直接pull). 然后勾选filter,再apply changes…
https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SOC5/SQL+Source+Control+5+documentation Working with migration scripts What are migration scripts? To deploy changes from version control, the SQL Compare engine generates a deployment script. This is based…
You can link data that doesn't change very often to SQL Source Control. This lets you commit data changes to source control. To source-control data: 1.In the Object Explorer, right-click the database or table with data you want to source control and…
找到C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0\Addins路径,用notepad++打开RedGate.SIPFramework.AddIn. 会发现其中的Assembly节点是空的,手动加上就可以了 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <Extensibility xmlns=&…
  A few days ago, I've been facing a strange behavior with Visual Studio 2013.   No matter what solution I was opening, Visual Studio kept switching the source control plugin to Git. I was sure all my solutions were bound to TFS.   I didn't understan…