要使用ArcGIS JavaScript API 4.x的热度图渲染器来渲染要素图层,需要注意几点前提条件: 1.需要使用ArcGIS Server 10.6.1或更高版本发布GIS服务. 2.只支持几何类型为点的要素图层,其他几何类型不支持. 3.需要启用WebGL模型来渲染要素图层. 从ArcGIS JavaScript API 4.5开始,支持使用WebGL模式渲染要素图层. 开启该模式需要在页面在加载地图对象之前,需要先进行相应配置,配置代码如下: <script> var dojoC…
I would like to use ArcGIS JavaScript API 4.3 with jQuery, but I am getting following errors. I searched for a solution and tried it a few (code below), but they didn't work at all. How could I import jQuery without conflict with dojo? I would ver…