TextView常见的子类包括EditText,Button,CheckBox, RadioButton等. 1.EditText EditText继承自TextView,因此TextView所有属性均可供EditText使用. 但InputType一般只在EditText中使用 android:inputType="numberPassword" 其可选常量较多,常见的有 text,number, number,Password,phone等,详细可见: http://develop…
(1)DECLARE 两种用法: 1>: DECLARE @usid VARCHAR(50),@usna NVARCHAR(100),@grna NVARCHAR(100); 2>: DECLARE @usid VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @usna NVARCHAR(100) DECLARE @grna NVARCHAR(100) (2)select 1 from mytable select 1 from mytable;(一般是作条件用的) select anycol(目的表…
首先说下让自己的程序支持iPhone6和6+,第一种使用官方提供的launch screen.xib,这个直接看官方文档即可,这里不再多述:第二种方法是和之前iPhone5的类似,比较简单,为iPhone6和6+添加两张特殊的png iPhone6:命名:Default-375w-667h@2x.png   分辨率:750*1334 6+ 命名:Default-414w-736h@3x.png  分辨率:1242*2208 注意: 如果要在app的介绍页面里有"为iPhone6,6 plus优化…
Find The Multiple Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 21851 Accepted: 8984 Special Judge Description Given a positive integer n, write a program to find out a nonzero multiple m of n whose decimal representation contains only t…
DZY Loves Chessboard time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output DZY loves chessboard, and he enjoys playing with it. He has a chessboard of n rows and m columns. Some cells of the ches…
Ultra-QuickSort Time Limit: 7000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 48111   Accepted: 17549 Description In this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algorithm. The algorithm processes a sequence of n distinct integers by swappin…
Drainage Ditches Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 62016 Accepted: 23808 Description Every time it rains on Farmer John's fields, a pond forms over Bessie's favorite clover patch. This means that the clover is covered by wate…
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; long long num[1000005]; long long fz[1000005]; long long xds[100…
#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include<queue> #include<cmath> using namespace std; const int INF = 0x3fffffff; int g[1005][1005]; int pre[1005]; int m; int bfs(int s,int t) { queue<int>q; q.pu…
说明: (1)日期以年月形式显示:convert(varchar(7),字段名,120) , (2)加一列 (3)自编号: row_number() over(order by 字段名 desc) as RowID row_number() over(partition by 字段1 order by 字段2) as RowID (4)自编号的限制(不可直接在WHERE条件中加) 举例说明: 想要达到的效果:按月统计各工种的前5名(以件数为依据) 初始SQL语句: select sum(Sum_…