Writing SCSS @functions is similar to writing functions in other programming languages; they can accept arguments and have return statements. SCSS provides a ton of great features, but sometimes we need to roll our own function. We can do that too! T…
Using Custom Functions in a Report  在报表中使用自己义函数   FastReport has a large number of built-in standard functions for use in report designs. FastReport also allows custom functions to be written and used. Functions are added using the "FastScript"…
catalog . How to Add New Functions to MySQL . Features of the User-Defined Function Interface . User-Defined Function . UDF Argument Processing . UDF Return Values and Error Handling . UDF Compiling and Installing . Adding a New Native Function . UDF…
SQL Fundamentals || Oracle SQL语言   SQL Fundamentals: Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output使用单行函数自定义输出 SQL Fundamentals || Single-Row Functions || 字符函数 character functions SQL Fundamentals || Single-Row Functions || 数字函数number functions SQL F…
尊重作者的劳动,转载请注明作者及原文地址 http://www.cnblogs.com/txwsqk/p/6522854.html 参考 https://graphite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/functions.html#function-plugins /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/settings.py # Function plugins FUNCTION_PLUGINS = ['linkedme.aliasByMap',] /o…
最近朋友问如何在vue项目中使用scss样式,想起之前项目是直接在main.js直接import css文件的,然而main.js不可以直接import scss文件. import './assets/css.css' src/assets/scss.scss $border-color:#c58f5d; .box{ width:100px; height: 100px; border:1px solid #f40; } 第一步:安装依赖 cnpm install node-sass --sa…
javascript学习中,经常会遇到闭包的问题,然后闭包的很多例子中又会遇到很多返回函数的闭包的例子程序.因为对闭包的理解还不够透彻,然后对于Functions rerurn a function产生了疑问. stackflow上有一个关于functions return a function的问题,参考https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7629891/functions-that-return-a-function 然后测试过程中发现一些问题,先看一下下…
The SCSS @for directive is great when we know how many iterations are required and we only need 1 variable. What if we need multiple variables to iterate over data sets? Hello SCSS maps and the @each control directive! In this lesson, we’ll check out…
Writing similar classes with minor variations, like utility classes, can be a pain to write and update. Sometimes just a single character is the only difference between classes and updating the defining parameter means we need to change it for every…
简历魔板__个人简历模板在线生成 在写vue的css样式时,觉得需要css预处理器让自己的css更加简洁.适应性更强.可读性更佳,更易于代码的维护,于是在vue-cli脚手架采用scss.写过的人都知道,每写一个.vue文件都要在style上面@import global.scss文件的话,这样很麻烦.css文件可以在main.js中可以直接import,而scss文件import会报错,因此记录下处理的方法. 步骤一: 安装node-sass.sass-loader.style-loader…