[CODECHEF]Chef and Churus Description 有一个长度为\(n\)的数组\(A\),有\(n\)个函数,第\(i\)个函数的值为\(\sum_{j=l_i}^{r_i}A_j\) 有两种操作: ①修改\(A_i\) ②询问第\(l\)~\(r\)个函数值的和. Input First Line is the size of the array i.e. N Next Line contains N space separated numbers Ai denoti…
Chef and The Right Triangles The Chef is given a list of N triangles. Each triangle is identfied by the coordinates of its three corners in the 2-D cartesian plane. His job is to figure out how many of the given triangles are right triangles. A right…
做法:我们考虑前缀异或和,修改操作就变成了区间[i,n]都异或x 查询操作就变成了:区间[1,x]中有几个k 显然的分块,每个块打一个tag标记表示这个块中所有的元素都异或了tag[x] 然后处理出这个块中每种数的个数 注意查询的时候零散的块要下放标记 代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define N 100005 #define M 334 using namespace std; int cnt[M][N*14],sum[N],tag[M],ll[M],rr[M]…
A grid label is the blue (normally) colored grid header that you see on PeopleSoft pages. The grid text label can be easily edited using the Grid Properties in app designer. Once you have the grid properties box open, click the Label tab > Propertie…
FFMpeg ver 20160219-git-98a0053 滤镜中英文对照 2016.02.21 by 1CM T.. = Timeline support 支持时间轴 .S. = Slice threading 分段线程 ..C = Command support 支持命令传送 A = Audio input/output 音频 输入/输出 V = Video input/output 视频 输入/输出 N = Dynamic number and/or type of input/out…
FFMpeg ver 20160213-git-588e2e3 滤镜中英文对照 2016.02.17 by 1CM T.. = Timeline support 支持时间轴 .S. = Slice threading 分段线程 ..C = Command support 支持命令传送 A = Audio input/output 音频 输入/输出 V = Video input/output 视频 输入/输出 N = Dynamic number and/or type of input/out…
https://www.codechef.com/DEC17/problems/GIT01 #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define N 101 char s[N]; int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); int n,m; int OddG,OddR,EvenG,EvenR; int ans; while(T--) { OddG=O…
something wrong with my new blog! I can't type matrixs so I come back. qwq 题目:https://www.codechef.com/problems/BIKE 题解 是我naive了,二维和一维其实差不多 首先,n很小,t很大,什么算法?矩阵乘法!没跑了 然后矩阵里填什么?一条边是两个值啊,还要一个%n一个%(n - 1),怎么搞 我们设计一个多项式\(x^{a}y^{b}\),x指数(也就是a)代表前轮加上一条边的值后取…
Chef and Apple Trees Chef loves to prepare delicious dishes. This time, Chef has decided to prepare a special dish for you, and needs to gather several apples to do so. Chef has N apple trees in his home garden. Each tree has a certain (non-zero) num…
Portal --> CC Chef and Graph Queries Solution 快乐数据结构题(然而好像有十分优秀的莫队+可撤销并查集搞法qwq) 首先考虑一种方式来方便一点地..计算一个图的联通块数量:我们可以考虑容斥,维护每个连通块的生成树,然后\(n-\)生成树边数就是答案了 这样有一个好,加边的时候比较好处理,但是光这样并不能解决我们的问题 顺着这个思路思考,先不考虑时间复杂度,对于一个询问,考虑将编号为\(l\sim r\)的边一条一条加入第\(1\sim l-1\)条…
Read problems statements in Mandarin Chineseand Russian. Problem Statement Chef has a undirected graph G. This graph consists of N vertices and M edges. Each vertex of the graph has an unique index from 1 to N, also each edge of the graph has an uniq…
Chef and Big Soccer Problem code: CHEFSOC2 Tweet ALL SUBMISSIONS All submissions for this problem are available. Read problems statements in Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Vietnamese as well. Chef is a big fan of soccer! He loves soccer so much,…