来自:http://www.secrepo.com Network MACCDC2012 - Generated with Bro from the 2012 dataset A nice dataset that has everything from scanning/recon through explotation as well as some c99 shell traffic. Roughly 22694356 total connections. conn.log.gz (524…
TEST#terminal monitor # 排除网络故障以前,请打开这一命令以便实时的接收到交换机的提示信息. TEST# TEST#sh run #显示所有的配置清单,可将这些配置保存成文本作为交换机的配置备份. Building configuration... Current configuration : bytes ! version 12.2 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log…
Receive Minimum Input Level (Sensitivity) 测试方法: Receiver Adjacent Channel Rejection (ACR) -For IEEE802.11b (11Mbps), For 802.11b (2Mbps)For 2Mbps, 8% PER Maximum of DUT, where –74dBm Input Power from Golden Unit at ideal frequency a…