原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/ausboyue/article/details/52775281 Linux SSH命令错误:ECDSA host key "ip地址" for has changed and you have requested strict checking.记录下方便记忆. 解决方案:在终端上输入以下命令: ssh-keygen -R "你的远程服务器ip地址" 目的是清除你当前机器里关于你的远程服务器的缓存和公钥信息,…
spring 配置文件报错报错信息:cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'mvc:annotation-driven'. spring-web.xml /soaweb/src/main/resources line 14 XML Problem解决办法:schemal中增加tx支持<?xml version=…
If your app was written for older versions of MySQL and is not compatible with strict SQL mode in MySQL 5.7, you can disable strict SQL mode. For example, apps such as WHMCS 6 and Craft 2 do not support strict SQL mode. If you're using WHMCS 7, see o…
在PHP5.3.3 中安装wordpress 3.0.1 ,在安装时出现错误:Strict Standards: PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker.....的解决办法: 出现错误提示:Strict Standards: PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker_Page::start_lvl() should be compatible with that of Walker::start_lvl…
异常信息: ( ! ) Strict standards: Declaration of SugarEmailAddress::save() should be compatible with that of SugarBean::save() in D:\dev\server\xampp1\htdocs\sugar\include\SugarEmailAddress\SugarEmailAddress.php on line 1011 Call Stack# Time Memory Funct…
今天安装ecshop的时候最上面出现了一个错误提示:Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in F:\www.xxxx.com\cls_template.php on line 418 解决办法: 打开cls_template.php文件中发现下面这段代码: $tag_sel = array_shift(explode(' ', $tag));忘记说了,我的PHP版本是5.4.19,PHP5.3以上默认只能传…
今天写脚本遇到Can't use string ("bond2 Link encap:InfiniBand ") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at test.pl line 的错误 google了一下,发现stackoverflow有这样的错误,其中有一个是缺少一个分号导致的 例如: open (FILE, "ifconfig | "); while (<FILE>)…