Formation is very important when taking a group photo. Given the rules of forming K rows with N people as the following: The number of people in each row must be / (round down to the nearest integer), with all the extra people (if any) standing in th…
1051 Pop Sequence (25 分) Given a stack which can keep M numbers at most. Push N numbers in the order of 1, 2, 3, ..., N and pop randomly. You are supposed to tell if a given sequence of numbers is a possible pop sequence of the stack. For example,…
1016 Phone Bills (25 分) A long-distance telephone company charges its customers by the following rules: Making a long-distance call costs a certain amount per minute, depending on the time of day when the call is made. When a customer starts connec…
Formation is very important when taking a group photo. Given the rules of forming K rows with Npeople as the following: The number of people in each row must be / (round down to the nearest integer), with all the extra people (if any) standing in the…
Formation is very important when taking a group photo. Given the rules of forming K rows with N people as the following: The number of people in each row must be N/K (round down to the nearest integer), with all the extra people (if any) standing in…
1020 Tree Traversals (25分) Suppose that all the keys in a binary tree are distinct positive integers. Given the postorder and inorder traversal sequences, you are supposed to output the level order traversal sequence of the corresponding binary tre…
1146 Topological Order (25 分) This is a problem given in the Graduate Entrance Exam in 2018: Which of the following is NOT a topological order obtained from the given directed graph? Now you are supposed to write a program to test each of the optio…
1071 Speech Patterns (25 分) People often have a preference among synonyms of the same word. For example, some may prefer "the police", while others may prefer "the cops". Analyzing such patterns can help to narrow down a speaker's id…