
$.ajax({ url: baseURL + "InvoiceSale/OnQuotaInvoiceSale", //点击核销单号时,点击核销时,交互的页面               type: "POST",                 data: JSON.stringify(createTable.resultData()),     //JSON传递整个表格数据,得到字符串数组               dataType: "json&q…
根据mongodb官方文档介绍,如果在插入(insert)操作时,没有指定主键id,那么它会自动给插入行自动附上一个主键id.看起来不错,但是详细看看,就会发现这个id值有点复杂. 如下图: mongdb把这个id称为ObjectId. 所以,如果我们想创建跟mysql的那种自动递增的主键,应该怎么操作呢? 如下图,就是我们想实现的效果图: 创建自动递增主键 利用mogodb命令行 /*part 1: 创建计数器表*/ db.counters.insert({_id: "userid"…
1.Get Data from XML xml文件内容: <head> <img id="1">菜||焦溜丸子||2013-03-28/image/0/0001-thumb.jpg</img> <img id="2">环境||门面||2013-03-28/image/0/0002-thumb.jpg</img> <img id="3">环境||门面||2013-03-28/i…
In this much belated episode I talk with Jason McMillen of Pascal Game Development. We discuss the surprisingly vast world of Pascal Game Development with Delphi, Free Pascal, Oxygene and other Pascal and Object Pascal derivatives. You can find Jason…
这个作业属于哪个课程 <课程的链接> 这个作业要求在哪里 <作业要求的链接> 我在这个课程的目标是 学会现代软件工程的思想,运用到实际中去 这个作业在哪个具体方面帮助我实现目标 规划目标,提示学习的方向,养成一个习惯 个人博客主页 https://www.cnblogs.com/jason5689/ 对快乐的无限追求 既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程 ——汪国真 看了这么多有趣的博客后,自己也有点手痒痒了,想述说一下心中所想. 读书读了这么多年,确实还是第一次遇到这么有趣的一次作业.…
一:代码结构 二:框架结果: spring+springMvc+springJdbc 三:源代码 1:Ctrl 层 package com.todaytech.yth.gdsd.base.DataInfo.Controller; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import jav…
#tkinter:tkinter应用案例之便签框架LabelFrame的应用将组件(多选按钮)放到一个框架里 from tkinter import * root=Tk() root.title("Jason niu工作室") group=LabelFrame(root,text="关于区块链技术,你想了解的是哪方面的知识?",padx=5,pady=5) group.pack(padx=15,pady=15) LANGS=[("共识机制",1)…
#tkinter应用案例五:Label组件设图片为背景并点击按钮触发事件 from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage from sqlalchemy.testing.exclusions import compound def callback(): var.set("正在进入学习空间……") root=Tk() #实例化TK root.title("Jason niu工作室") frame1=F…
#Py:数据挖掘之对微信朋友圈好友的性别.区域.昵称.签名信息进行情感分析——Jason niu import os import re import csv import time import json import jieba from jieba import analyse import itchat import base64 from snownlp import SnowNLP import requests import sys from collections import…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2018年3月11日 @author: Jason niu ''' import hashlib #该模块实现了诸多安全哈希和消息摘要算法的通用接口,包括 FIPS 安全哈希算法: SHA1.SHA224. SHA256.SHA384.RSA的 MD5 等等算法 import uuid #通用唯一标识符 ( Universally Unique Identifier ), 对于所有的UUID它可以保证在空间和时间上的唯…
load spectra; temp = randperm(size(NIR, 1)); P_train = NIR(temp(1:50),:); T_train = octane(temp(1:50),:); P_test = NIR(temp(51:end),:); T_test = octane(temp(51:end),:); k = 2; [Xloadings,Yloadings,Xscores,Yscores,betaPLS,PLSPctVar,MSE,stats] = plsreg…
load spectra; temp = randperm(size(NIR, 1)); P_train = NIR(temp(1:50),:); T_train = octane(temp(1:50),:); P_test = NIR(temp(51:end),:); T_test = octane(temp(51:end),:); [PCALoadings,PCAScores,PCAVar] = princomp(NIR); figure percent_explained = 100 *…
程序猿最浪漫的表白,肯定会得到你的她——Jason niu    原文来自GitHub,主页本人已部分修改,感谢程序猿大神wuxia2001和hackerzhou的开源,感谢这两位大神! 视频结果展示网址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQzNjY5NTgxMg==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" &q…
%SA:利用SA算法解决TSP(数据是14个虚拟城市的横纵坐标)问题——Jason niu X = [16.4700 96.1000 16.4700 94.4400 20.0900 92.5400 22.3900 93.3700 25.2300 97.2400 22.0000 96.0500 20.4700 97.0200 17.2000 96.2900 16.3000 97.3800 14.0500 98.1200 16.5300 97.3800 21.5200 95.5900 19.4100…
%SA:T1法利用Matlab编写主函数实现对定义域[-5,5]上的二元函数求最优解—Jason niu [x,y] = meshgrid(-5:0.1:5,-5:0.1:5); z = x.^2 + y.^2 - 10*cos(2*pi*x) - 10*cos(2*pi*y) + 20; figure mesh(x,y,z) hold on xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') title('SA:利用SA最优化,定义域[-5,5]上的二元函数z = x^2…
load citys_data.mat n = size(citys,1); D = zeros(n,n); for i = 1:n for j = 1:n if i ~= j D(i,j) = sqrt(sum((citys(i,:) - citys(j,:)).^2)); else D(i,j) = 1e-4; end end end m = 50; alpha = 1; beta = 5; rho = 0.1; Q = 1; Eta = 1./D; Tau = ones(n,n); Tab…
x = 1:0.01:2; y = sin(10*pi*x) ./ x; figure plot(x, y) title('绘制目标函数曲线图—Jason niu'); hold on c1 = 1.49445; c2 = 1.49445; maxgen = 50; sizepop = 10; Vmax = 0.5; Vmin = -0.5; popmax = 2; popmin = 1; ws = 0.9; we = 0.4; for i = 1:sizepop pop(i,:) = (ran…
figure [x,y] = meshgrid(-5:0.1:5,-5:0.1:5); z = x.^2 + y.^2 - 10*cos(2*pi*x) - 10*cos(2*pi*y) + 20; mesh(x,y,z) hold on c1 = 1.49445; c2 = 1.49445; maxgen = 1000; sizepop = 100; Vmax = 1; Vmin = -1; popmax = 5; popmin = -5; for i = 1:sizepop pop(i,:)…
x = 1:0.01:2; y = sin(10*pi*x) ./ x; figure plot(x, y) title('绘制目标函数曲线图—Jason niu'); hold on c1 = 1.49445; c2 = 1.49445; maxgen = 50; sizepop = 10; Vmax = 0.5; Vmin = -0.5; popmax = 2; popmin = 1; for i = 1:sizepop pop(i,:) = (rands(1) + 1) / 2 + 1;…
global p global t global R % 输入神经元个数,此处是6个 global S1 % 隐层神经元个数,此处是10个 global S2 % 输出神经元个数,此处是4个 global S % 连接权值个数+阈值个数即(6*10+10*4)+(10+4) S1 = 10; p = [0.01 0.01 0.00 0.90 0.05 0.00; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.50 0.00; 0.80 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00; 0.00…
x = 0:0.01:10; y = x + 10*sin(5*x)+7*cos(4*x); figure plot(x, y) xlabel('independent variable') ylabel('dependent variable') title('GA:y = x + 10*sin(5*x) + 7*cos(4*x)利用算法求解最优解—Jason niu') initPop = initializega(50,[0 10],'fitness'); [x endPop bpop t…
%RF:RF实现根据乳腺肿瘤特征向量高精度(better)预测肿瘤的是恶性还是良性 load data.mat a = randperm(569); Train = data(a(1:500),:); Test = data(a(501:end),:); P_train = Train(:,3:end); T_train = Train(:,2); P_test = Test(:,3:end); T_test = Test(:,2); model = classRF_train(P_train,…
%DT:DT实现根据乳腺肿瘤特征向量高精度预测肿瘤的是恶性还是良性 load data.mat a = randperm(569); Train = data(a(1:500),:); Test = data(a(501:end),:); P_train = Train(:,3:end); T_train = Train(:,2); P_test = Test(:,3:end); T_test = Test(:,2); ctree = ClassificationTree.fit(P_train…
load iris_data.mat P_train = []; T_train = []; P_test = []; T_test = []; for i = 1:3 temp_input = features((i-1)*50+1:i*50,:); temp_output = classes((i-1)*50+1:i*50,:); n = randperm(50); P_train = [P_train temp_input(n(1:40),:)']; T_train = [T_train…
%ELM:ELM基于近红外光谱的汽油测试集辛烷值含量预测结果对比—Jason niu load spectra_data.mat temp = randperm(size(NIR,1)); P_train = NIR(temp(1:50),:)'; T_train = octane(temp(1:50),:)'; P_test = NIR(temp(51:end),:)'; T_test = octane(temp(51:end),:)'; N = size(P_test,2); [Pn_tra…
load concrete_data.mat n = randperm(size(attributes,2)); p_train = attributes(:,n(1:80))'; t_train = strength(:,n(1:80))'; p_test = attributes(:,n(81:end))'; t_test = strength(:,n(81:end))'; [pn_train,inputps] = mapminmax(p_train'); pn_train = pn_tra…
load BreastTissue_data.mat n = randperm(size(matrix,1)); train_matrix = matrix(n(1:80),:); train_label = label(n(1:80),:); test_matrix = matrix(n(81:end),:); test_label = label(n(81:end),:); [Train_matrix,PS] = mapminmax(train_matrix'); Train_matrix…
load spectra_data.mat temp = randperm(size(NIR,1)); P_train = NIR(temp(1:50),:)'; T_train = octane(temp(1:50),:)'; P_test = NIR(temp(51:end),:)'; T_test = octane(temp(51:end),:)'; N = size(P_test,2); net = newrbe(P_train,T_train,0.3); w1=net.iW{1,1}…
load spectra_data.mat plot(NIR') title('Near infrared spectrum curve—Jason niu') temp = randperm(size(NIR,1)); P_train = NIR(temp(1:50),:)'; T_train = octane(temp(1:50),:)'; P_test = NIR(temp(51:end),:)'; T_test = octane(temp(51:end),:)'; N = size(P_…
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt BATCH_START = 0 TIME_STEPS = 20 BATCH_SIZE = 50 INPUT_SIZE = 1 OUTPUT_SIZE = 1 CELL_SIZE = 10 LR = 0.006 BATCH_START_TEST = 0 def get_batch(): global BATCH_START, TIME_STEPS #…