[Arch] 04. Software Architectural Patterns】的更多相关文章

让我们一起 回忆: 原则 基本认识 S 应该仅有一个引起它变化的原因 O 在不被修改的前提下被扩展 L 尽量从抽象类继承 I 应该依赖于抽象 D 倾向瘦接口 让我们开始 新课: [Design Patterns] 03. Practice UML in project 的文档列表其实就是”过程模式“的一种. “设计模式”会在将来单独讲解 这里主要学习“体系结构模式”和“分析模式”. <体系架构模式> Ref: 10种常见的软件架构模式 Ref: 软件架构模式 (30页的书) 黑板模式 这种模式…
From: 史上最全设计模式导学目录 设计模式,这是软件设计过程中的一个环节. 在这个环节之上,需要overview的事业,就是UML,一种通用的建模语言. Ref: 软件设计之UML—UML的构成[上] [uml部分详见此链接] Ref: 在软件开发过程中,有哪些UML图是比较常用的? 1. UML 1.1 View: Diagrams 用户视图:Use Case Diagram                // describe requiremnet 结构视图:Class Diagram…
The open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE. Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Finally, an IDE with all the features you need, having a c…
将感悟心得记于此,重启程序员模式. js, py, c++, java, php 融汇之全栈系列 [Full-stack] 快速上手开发 - React [Full-stack] 状态管理技巧 - Redux [Full-stack] 网页布局艺术 - Less [Full-stack] 异步即时通信 - Async [Full-stack] 跨平台大框架 - RN [Full-stack] 世上最好语言 - PHP 贯通之语言比对 /* 这部分有点全栈系列的味道,日后进阶 */ 语言与框架 语…
目的也比较单纯,选一门语言,走向人键合一. 选了两本书作为操练场:<精通Python设计模式>.<Data Structure and Algorithm in Python>. 当然,也专门选购了Thinkpad T系列犒劳双手,迎接重生,再筑辉煌. 开始 一.软件架构师 基本概念 [Arch] 01. Before Design Patterns - UML[开发文档中的UML] [Arch] 02. Design principle and Software Pattern[…
This chapter provides guidelines for using architecture patterns. Introduction Patterns for system architecting are very much in their infancy. They have been introduced into TOGAF essentially to draw them to the attention of the systems architecture…
By Bohdan Orlov on 21 Mar 2016 - 0 Comments iOS FYI: Slides from my presentation at NSLondon are available here. Feeling weird while doing MVC in iOS? Have doubts about switching to MVVM? Heard about VIPER, but not sure if it worth it? Keep reading t…
Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Last Significant Update: January 2003 A short summary of the patterns in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (P of EAA). | Japanese | Russian | These pages are a brief overview of…
微软近期Open的职位: Job Title: Software Engineer II Division: Visual Studio China – Developer Division Working Location: Shanghai, China Do you enjoy the challenges of rapid development and deployment of world class software services? Do you like being in t…
1.1 Pattern "theme of recurring events or objects… it can be a template or model which can be used to generate things" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern). • Design patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. • Coding patterns -…
注:本篇博文转载于 http://my.oschina.net/mengshuai/blog/541314?fromerr=z8tDxWUH 本文介绍了文章作者从事了几年android应用的开发,经历2次架构变革,第一次集成了RxJava第二次集成了MVP,并将RxJava与MVP完美结合,实现了低耦合,代码简单,测试方便的架构. 其实我们在开发中也遇到过,Android入门门槛较低,如果前期对APP规划不清晰,Coder们对未来变化把握不准,技术架构经验不够强大,最终导致就是一个Activit…
原文地址:http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/07/mysql-vs-mongodb.html 1. Introduction It would be fair to say that as IT professionals we are living in the golden age of data management era. As our software systems become more complex and more distributed,…
https://blog.appdynamics.com/engineering/how-microservices-are-transforming-python-development/ Summary The goal of any tech business worth its salt is to provide the best product or service to its clients in the most efficient and cost-effective way…
This is intended to be an easy to understand FAQ on the topic of Kafka. One part is for beginners, one for advanced users and use cases. We hope you find it fruitful. If you are missing a question, please send it to your favorite Cloudera representat…
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官方说明文档 -------------------------------------------------------------- # eShopOnContainers - Microservices Architecture and Containers based Reference Application (**BETA state** - Visual Studio 2017 and CLI environments compatible)Sample .NET Core re…
ASP.NET MVC | The ASP.NET Site https://www.asp.net/mvc ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a clean separation of concerns and that gives you full control over markup for enjoyable, agile develop…
Considerations Source codes Contributors Contact ASP.NET Boilerplate is designed to help us to develop applications using best practices without repeating ourselves. DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself! is the key idea behind ASP.NET Boilerplate. ASP.NET样板的设…
 Prism provides guidance designed to help you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and easy-to-maintain Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop applications. Using design patterns such as Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), Composite View, and…
java设计模式大全 Design pattern samples in Java(最经典最全的资料) 2015年06月19日 13:10:58 阅读数:11100 Design pattern samples in Java. Build status: Introduction Design patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when desi…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyweight_pattern In computer programming, flyweight is a software design pattern. A flyweight is an object that minimizes memory use by sharing as much data as possible with other similar objects; it is a way to use obje…
What is ASP.NET? ASP.NET is a Microsoft’s Web application framework built on Common language runtime for building dynamic web sites using one of the programming languages like C#, VB.NET etc. It supports 2 models Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC. What is We…
A typical software application will invariably need to access some kind of data store in order to carry typical CRUD (Create, Read Update, Delete) operations on data. Typically, this could be some kind of database, file system or any kind of storage…
什么是软件架构? 程序或计算系统的软件体系结构是系统的一个或多个结构,包括软件元素.这些元素的外部可见属性以及它们之间的关系. ——Software Engineering Institute(SEI) 一个系统的基本组织,体现在它的组成.它们彼此之间的关系和环境,以及控制其设计和发展的原则. ——IEEE 这,这说的是人话吗??? 什么是架构模式? An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly oc…
原文链接:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/3d39b4/crud-operations-using-the-generic-repository-pattern-and-dep/ 系列目录: Relationship in Entity Framework Using Code First Approach With Fluent API[[使用EF Code-First方式和Fluent API来探讨EF中的关系]] Code First Mig…
引言 学习之前,我们首先大概了解下WPF诞生的背景以及它所能解决的问题或者新颖之处.WPF作为微软新一代的用户界面技术,   WPF简介 WPF的全称是WindowsPresentationFoundation,是微软新发布的Vista操作系统的三大核心开发库之一,其主要负责的是图形显示, 所以叫Presentation(呈现).   微软公司早在2003年洛杉矶的PDC上就公布了一个代号为Avalon的项目,他们将其视为下一代用户界面技术,并且得到了开发者和用户的一致赞同.在2005年的PDC…
MVVM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93viewmodel…
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微内核架构(Microkernel Architecture) 微内核架构有时也被成为插件架构模式(plug-in architecture pattern),通常用于实现基于产品的应用,如Eclipse和Firefox.然而许多公司也将内部的业务软件做成软件产品,提供版本.发版说明和插件特性.微内核架构模式通过插件向核心应用添加额外的功能,提供了可扩展性和功能的独立和分离. 模式描述 微内核架构包含两部分组件:核心系统(core system)和插件模块(plug-in modules).应用…
The pragmatic programmers 一直在工作之余读些书,之前主要是纯英文版的计算机相关的算法,编译器,数学等,想通过读这些书来提高自己每日工作效能,结果收效甚微.一是,因为纯英文的书,阅读的慢,第二,也是最重要的一点,发现掌握的很慢,思前想后感觉可能是和工作的内容距离较远,两者不能互相辅助,第三,不能直接的回馈工作本身. 索性就换一换类型,最先入手的,是<agile software development-principles, patterns, and practices…