Mysql [Err] 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'a' - 苍 - 博客园 现象:varchar列 where 子句中 有 = 1 or in (1),select执行成功,update更新失败. 原因:select语法宽松,where 1 <=> ‘1’ :update 语法要求严格,必须写成带‘’的. 方案:标准显示写法,数字也带‘’.…
报错信息: [SQL] UPDATE 表 set times = 1 where type = 1 and times = 0 [Err] 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'a' 解决方案: 属于类型错误,type为vachar类型,具体是什么样的查询顺序我也不太清楚.经过测试, 我觉得是 times = 0 的条件中,含有 type = a 的结果,所以 user_type=1,需要添加单引号. 结果: UPDATE 表 最后: 一定要严格写s…
MySQL Bugs: #63112: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value Error Code 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value - Mysql - Stack Overflow…
解决办法:Mysql中,如果一个字段是字符串,则一定要加单引号 问题原因: `item_refund_state` ) NOT NULL item_refund_state字段的类型是varchar但where条件中使用了item_refund_state=0 如果where条件中tid对应item_refund_state字段值不是字符串0,而是'NO_REFUND'之类的字符串时,就会报下面的错 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'NO_REFUND' 类似…
UPDATE shop_category SET name = 'Secolul XVI - XVIII' AND name_eng = '16th to 18th centuries' WHERE category_id = 4768 category_id mediumint() name ) name_eng ) 执行报错 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'Secolul XVI - XVIII' 问题原因,update不应该用and,修改…
mysql报错:Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value sql的update语法错误eg: update Person set name = 'auhnayuiL' and age = 1 where id = 1;改and为, update Person set name = 'auhnayuiL' , age = 1 where id = 1;…
1.数据库sql语句:SELECT seat_id FROM netsale_order_seat os join netsale_order nor on os.order_code=nor.order_code WHERE pay_order_no=${order_id[0]}; 报错信息:(1292, u"Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '424a000000066 '")result = self._query(query) 解决方法:将SE…
执行修改语句update tbl_user_details set nickname=CONCAT("用户",yunva_id) where nickname = yunva_id; 报错: ERROR 1292 (22007): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '糖糖的坤大叔' 查看sql模式 mysql> show session variables like '%sql_mode%'; +---------------+---------…
mysql> UPDATE financial_sales_order SET ASSIGN_TIME = '2018-05-02 00:00:00' where CUSTOMER_ID=3541535;ERROR 1292 (22007): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'asfsda1'mysql> desc financial_sales_order;+-------------------+--------------+------+-----+-…
1.错误叙述性说明 [ERROR:]2015-06-08 09:49:42,523 [异常拦截] org.hibernate.exception.DataException: error executing work at org.hibernate.exception.internal.SQLExceptionTypeDelegate.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.internal.St…