Embedded software develop step】的更多相关文章

x86 –>embeded so you you  must familiar with x86 first-…
TestApe - Unit testing for embedded software About this site Welcome - This site is TestApe.com. Most likely you arrived here for one of the reasons listed below. You want to download or use the TestApe unit test framework. The TestApe unit test fram…
STM32 Embedded Software  工作以来一直使用ST的STM32系列芯片,ST为开发者提供了非常方便的开发库.到目前为止,有标准外设库(STD库).HAL库.LL库 三种.前两者都是常用的库,后面的LL库是ST最近才添加,随HAL源码包一起提供,目前支持的芯片也偏少.各库如下所示:库  其中,STD库和HAL库两者相互独立,互不兼容.几种库的比较如下:库比较  目前几种库对不同芯片的支持情况如下:支持情况上图中,LL库目前有部分芯片不支持,官方计划2017年逐步完善.STM32…
原文: Design by Contract for Embedded Software (state-machine.com) Design by Contract is the single most effective programming technique for delivering high-quality code. Here you can learn what the Design by Contract programming philosophy is, what ca…
1 Embedded system An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or other parts, designed to perform a specific function. (E.g. microwave oven) 2 Infinite loop One of the most fundamental diff…
As the complexity increasing of embedded software, more and more projects/products use C++ as the implementation language.  Firstly, I want to make a conclusion which applied in our company. Using C++ for a stronger MCU like 32bit MCU like panel, gat…
2018 New Version ICARSCAN is available now! Here’s the instruction on how to install ICARSCAN software. Step 1 : Scan the QR code behind the ICARSCAN package and download the “EZDIAG” APP Step 2: Go to the “EZ diag” APP , check ” Mine” to register yo…
One of the problems with developing embedded systems is the detection of memory leaks; I've found three tools that are useful for this. These tools are used to detect application program errors, not kernel memory leaks. Two of these tools (mtrace and…
1. 引言 近期,微软跟进物联网的速度也在不断加速,除了微软手环,.NET MicroFramework,还有一个叫做Windows IoT的项目.该项目早在今年4月份的Build大会上就提出来了,7月份收集初期的开发者和用户.目前虽然还是处于Developer Program的状态,但是已经在软件和硬件上拿得出手了.关于Windows IoT的资源,主要可以参考下面几个链接: 1. Windows Developer Program for IoT 主页:http://dev.windows.…
Ruby 安装 从源代码在windows下安装Ruby是非常苦逼的差事,可以从http://rubyinstaller.org/ 或者 http://railsinstaller.org/ 下载已经打包好的安装程序. Ruby配置 在windows中配置环境变量 RUBY_HOME=rubyinstaller_dir (实际的ruby所在路径) 在path中添加 %RUBY_HOME%\bin 在命令行下运行 ruby --version,如果显示ruby版本信息说明安装正常. devkit安装…