转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/vnanyesheshou/article/details/75073307 对于Handler不太懂的可以参考我的这两篇文章: Android Handler的基本使用 深入理解Handler.Looper.Messagequeue 这篇主要说一下HandlerThread的使用方法,及分析下其源码. HandlerThread HandlerThread类介绍 Handy class for starting a new thread…
首先说一下canvas类: Class Overview The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. To draw something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hold the pixels, a Canvas to host the draw calls (writing into the bitmap), a drawing primitive (e.g. Rect, Path, t…
转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/zhaoyanjun6/article/details/78265540 本文出自[赵彦军的博客] 在前面我介绍了插件开发的基本流程 [Android Studio 插件开发详解一:入门练手] [Android Studio 插件开发详解二:工具类] [Android Studio 插件开发详解三:翻译插件实战] 在经历的前面的3篇文章,我相信大家都可以掌握Android 插件工具的开发了,开发完插件以后,我们需要将插件上传至插件市场,然…