Ethical Hacking - POST EXPLOITATION(1)】的更多相关文章

PIVOTING Use the hacked device as a pivot. Try to gain access to other devices in the network. Tool: Metasploit - AUTOROUTE Module Target: Metasploitable VM Set up a route between hacker and hacked device. Gives hacker access to devices on the networ…
Spying - Capturing Key Strikes & Taking Screen Shots Log all mouse/keyboard events > keyscan-start - show current working directory > keyscan-dump - lists files in the current working directory. > keyscan_stop changes working directory to [lo…
MAINTAINING ACCESS - Methods 1. Using a veil-evasion Rev_http_service Rev_tcp_service Use it instead of a normal backdoor. Or upload and execute from meterpreter. Does not always work. 2. Using persistence module run persistence -h Detectable by anti…
METERPRETER BASICS >help - shows help >background - backgrounds current session >sessions -I - lists all sessions >session -i - interact with a certain session >sysinfo - displays system info. >ipconfig - displays info about interfaces.…
Ethical Hacking Tutorials Free Ethical Hacking Tutorials Types of Hackers Ethical Hacker (White hat) Cracker (Black hat) Grey hat Script kiddies Hacktivist Phreaker…
Hacking is gaining unauthorized access to anything. Preparation Setting up a lab and installing needed applications and operating systesm. Basics about computers and linux systems. Network Pentesting Test the security of networks and computers cnnect…
EXPLOITATION -File Upload VULNS Simple type of vulnerabilities. Allow users to upload executable files such as PHP. Upload a PHP shell or backdoor, ex:weevly 1. Generate backdoor weevly generage [password] [file name] 2. Upload the generated file. 3.…
CLIENT SIDE ATTACKS - BeEf Framework Browser Exploitation Framework allowing us to launch a number of attacks on a hooked target. Targets are hooked once they load a hook URL. DNS spoof requests to a page containing the hook. Inject the hook in brows…
What is Hacking? Gaining unauthorized access. Hackers? 1.Black-hat Hackers 2.White-hat Hackers 3.Grey-hat Hackers WHAT IS A PROGRAM? A set of instructions to do a certain task or solve a problem.…
SERVER SIDE ATTACKS - METASPLOIT Metasploit is an exploit development and execution tool. It can also be used to carry out other penetration testing tasks such as port scans, service identification and post exploitation tasks. > msfconsole - runs the…