本篇博客总结下Git使用情况中遇到的异常情况并给出解决方案,关于Git的常用命令请移步我的另一篇博客<Git常用命令> 异常情况如下: 1.git远程删除分支后,本地git branch -a依然能看到 2.git中Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary 3.git branch -a 无法显示全部的远程分支 4.Git修改.gitignore不生效 5.bash: syntax error ne…
[抄题]: Given an integer array, you need to find one continuous subarray that if you only sort this subarray in ascending order, then the whole array will be sorted in ascending order, too. You need to find the shortest such subarray and output its len…