With portable battery-operated devices continuing to add functionality while shrinking in size, printed-circuit-board real estate becomes incre…
Google : Op-Amp Level Shifter Level shifting a +/- 2.5V signal to 0 - 5V I have a front end module that generates an (ECG) signal that varies from +/-2.5 V. I want to shift this signal to 0 - 5V. What is the best way to do this? First thing to try is… Interfacing 5V and 3V logic circuits is a common task. 3V logic is preferred to 5V logic because it consumes less power, so most microcontrollers and peripheral devices use… The XBee communication (RX/TX) pins definitely operate off of a 5V signal with the Arduino. We’ve seen this a lot and done this a lot, and it certainly keeps things simple. That said, there’s nothing wr…
版本和API Level对照表 Code name Version API level (no code name) 1.0 API level 1 (no code name) 1.1 API level 2 Cupcake 1.5 API level 3, NDK 1 Donut 1.6 API level 4, NDK 2 Eclair 2.0 API level 5 Eclair 2.0.1 API level 6 Eclair 2.1 API level 7, NDK 3 Froyo…
从官网上找到的,具体地址是: Code name Version API level Lollipop 5.1 API level 22 Lollipop 5.0 API level 21 KitKat 4.4 - 4.4.4 API level 19 Jelly Bean 4.3.x API level 18 Jelly Bean 4.2.x API level 17 Jelly Bean…
Given a binary tree, return the zigzag level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, then right to left for the next level and alternate between). For example:Given binary tree {3,9,20,#,#,15,7}, 3 / \ 9 20 / \ 15 7 return its…
Given a binary tree, return the bottom-up level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, level by level from leaf to root). For example:Given binary tree {3,9,20,#,#,15,7}, 3 / \ 9 20 / \ 15 7 return its bottom-up level order tr…
482. Binary Tree Level Sum Given a binary tree and an integer which is the depth of the target level. Calculate the sum of the nodes in the target level. Example Example 1: Input: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ / \ 4 5 6 7 / \ 8 9 and depth=2 Output:5 Example 2: Inpu…
Description Saruman’s army of orcs and other dark minions continuously mine and harvest lumber out of the land surrounding his mighty tower for N continuous days. On day number i, Saruman either chooses to spend resources on mining coal and harvestin…
//SQL 实现地区的实现树形结构递归查询(无限级分类),level为节点层级,由小至大依次 2018-09-25 StringBuilder areaSQL = new StringBuilder(); areaSQL.AppendLine(" with cte_child(id,areaName,pid,level) as ( select id,areaName,pid,0 as level from erp_area "); areaSQL.AppendLine("…
当说到signal的功能时,我们都知道它会捕捉我们所指定的信号,然后调用我们所指定的信号处理函数.但它是如何捕捉我们指定的信号的呢?下面我就以msdn上关于signal的example为例,说明signal是如何捕捉信号的. 程序如下: [cpp] view plain copy // crt_signal.c // compile with: /c // Use signal to attach a signal handler to the abort routin…