In new mixed-voltage systems, it is often necessary to level-shift a control signal from a high level to a low level. An open-drain device, such as the 74LVC1G07, easily performs this shift. However, when a bidirectional signal requires level-shiftin…
Google : Op-Amp Level Shifter Level shifting a +/- 2.5V signal to 0 - 5V I have a front end module that generates an (ECG) signal that varies from +/-2.5 V. I want to shift this signal to 0 - 5V. What is the best way to do this? First thing to try is… The XBee communication (RX/TX) pins definitely operate off of a 5V signal with the Arduino. We’ve seen this a lot and done this a lot, and it certainly keeps things simple. That said, there’s nothing wr…
1.概述 USB设备通过debugfs导出/sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices显示内核已知的每个USB设备及其配置描述符.此文件对于用户模式下的状态查看工具非常方便,可以扫描文本格式并忽略大部分文本. 设备特定文件中提供了更详细的设备状态(包括类和供应商状态). 此文件与poll()系统调用结合使用,还可用于检测何时添加或删除设备: int fd; struct pollfd pfd; fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices&quo…
Clustering devices in an Internet of Things ('IoT'), including: receiving, by a device clustering module, a characteristic set for a device, wherein the characteristic set specifies one or more device attributes and an attribute value for each device…
Driver Amplifiers For Analog-To-Digital Converters What amplifiers are used to drive analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)? Possibilities include single-ended and differential inputs and outputs, plus voltage feedback (VFB) or current feedback (CFB) in…
OSBDM-JM60 - 9S08JM60 Based OSBDM — It includes interfaces and firmware applied to all the targets supported by the previous open source BDMs. It includes new features and JTAG operations. It provides interface to 9S08, 9RS08, Coldfire V1, V2, V3 and… In JTAG, devices expose one or more test access ports (TAPs). The picture above shows three TAPs, which might be individual chips or might be modules inside one chip. A daisy chain of TAPs is call…
Open JTAG Project is an open source hardware and software for a high speed USB JTAG tool. In this site, you can find and download all necesary files to make your JTAG device. The electric schematics, the PCB design including Gerber files, the VHDL pr…
The BGND interface provides the standard 6 pin connection for the single wire BGND signal type development port.   Target types that apply this development port are the 9S08, RS08, and Coldfire V1.   +V_TRG, TBGND, TRG_RST*, and Ground are applied by…