Expression构建DataTable to Entity 映射委托 1 namespace Echofool.Utility.Common { 2 using System; 3 using System.Collections.Generic; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Linq.Expressions; 6 using System.Reflection; 7 using System.Reflection.Emit; 8 9 publ…
有时为避免循环操作数据库.列表展示等一些原因需要将数据及关联数据批量加载进行集中处理,一种解决办法可以使用FOR XML PATH将多行数据合并成一列,达到字段拼接的效果.例如有两个表, 部门表T_Dept: 员工表T_Emp: 需要查询每个部门下的员工姓名,查询语句: 1 SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DeptId) AS Row, DeptName 2 , LEFT(A.EmpName, LEN(A.EmpName) - 1) AS EmpName 3…
首先是源数据: ),cip.CheckIn_StartTime, )),cip.CheckIn_EndTime, )),cip.Rental_Price)) as content from CheckInPeriod cip 然后我们加上合并语句: ),content) from ( ),cip.CheckIn_StartTime, )),cip.CheckIn_EndTime, )),cip.Rental_Price)) as content from CheckInPeriod cip )…
select *,stuff(select ‘,’ + fieldname from table1 for xml path(”)),1,1,”) as field from table2 for xml path(”) ,自从 SQL Server2005及更高版本提供了一个新查询语法 ,主要是用于将一列中的部分数据合并到一个单元格中: stuff()函数主要是用于将制定位置的字符串用特定的字符串替换:…
library(dplyr) unite(mtcars, "vs_am", vs, am) Merging Data Adding Columns To merge two data frames (datasets) horizontally, use the merge function. In most cases, you join two data frames by one or more common key variables (i.e., an inner joi…