//install termcolor module cd \ cd python27 cd scripts pip install termcolor pip install colorama //python scripts for testing from termcolor import colored print(colored("Hello world in red style!", 'red')) >>> from termcolor import *…
I just finished a demo which is to provide an easy way to control hardware resources of A sample. The communication between PC and A sample is UART. The PC software is written by Python. Python can implement features very soon and has a rich librarie…
From: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book Comment with line comment: Ctrl + slash Run: Shift + F10 Next Break Point: F9 Run code partially in Console: Right Click + Execute Selection in Console English Learning: + plus - minus / slash * asterisk %…
a. 利用sys.stdout将print行导向到你定义的日志文件中,例如: import sys # make a copy of original stdout route stdout_backup = sys.stdout # define the log file that receives your log info log_file = open("message.log", "w") # redirect print output to log fi…
以下是python中字典的一种实现.用list数据结构实现字典.详细是这种:[[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),...],[],[],...] 内部每个hash地址是一个list,存放hash地址同样的(key,value)对. dict代码 def Map(num_buckets=256): """Initializes a Map with the given number of buckets.""" aMap =…
Here is a brief introduction and package of dotfiles for linux/unix user. I think there are enough informative description about the package. Here is the link: https://github.com/xros/dotfiles Mostly it is very neat for python programming within Vim.…