Where should I put <script> tags in HTML markup? When embedding JavaScript in an HTML document, where is the proper place to put the <script> tags and included JavaScript? I seem to recall that you are not supposed to place these in the <he…
Introduction I've developed some pretty seriously Javascript intensive sites, where the sheer quantity of Javascript on the page is so much that I worry about the load time for the page getting too big. Often large chunks of the Javascript code are o…
Let's take a closer look at how a browser retrieves and acts on scripts.modern browser can parallel downloading 6 files(style sheets && images)at a time. BUT, when it see Scripts, the parallel downloading will stop!Therefore, any scripts in <he…
TABLE OF CONTENTS TRY COFFEESCRIPT ANNOTATED SOURCE CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all those awkward braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is a…
AJAX 一 AJAX预备知识:json进阶 1.1 什么是JSON? JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式.JSON是用字符串来表示Javascript对象: 记住:json字符串就是js对象的一种表现形式(字符串的形式) 既然我们已经学过python的json模块,我们就用它来测试下json字符串和json对象到底是什么 import json i=10 s='hello' t=(1,4,6) l=[3,5,7] d={'name':"…
Dev401-021:Visualforce Pages: Visualforce Componets (Tags) Module Agenda1.Tag Basics2.Tag Bindings Tag Basics1.Visualforce includes a tag library similar to HTML and XML markup languages.2.You can include text directly into the Visualforce page.4.You…
Dev401-020:Visualforce Pages: Visualforce Componets (Tags) Module Agenda1.Tag Basics2.Tag Bindings Tag Basics1.Visualforce includes a tag library similar to HTML and XML markup languages.2.You can include text directly into the Visualforce page.4.You…
概念 Ajax Ajax,Asynchronous JavaScript and XML,字面意思:异步的 JavaScript 和 XML,是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术. 用于异步地去获取XML作为数据交换的格式,当然,现在的 ajax 并不仅仅局限于XML作为数据交换格式,还可以像纯文本.XML.HTML.JSON 等格式均可. 特点 使用脚本操纵HTTP和Web服务器进行数据交换,不会导致页面重载. 避免页面重载(这是Web初期的标准做法)的能力使Web应用感觉更像传统的桌面应…
json jsonp 类型 "json":  把响应的结果当作 JSON 执行,并返回一个JavaScript对象.如果指定的是json,响应结果作为一个对象,在传递给成功处理函数之前使用jQuery.parseJSON进行解析. 解析后的JSON对象可以通过该jqXHR对象的responseJSON属性获得的.json的处理只要是在ajaxConvert方法中把结果给转换成需要是json格式,这是后面的内容,这里主要研究下jsonp的预处理. "jsonp": J…
在介绍JSONP之前,先简单的介绍一些JSON.JSON是JavaScript Object Notation的缩写,是一种轻量的.可读的基于文本的数据交换开放标准.源于JavsScript编程语言中对简单数据结构和关联数组的展示功能.它是仅含有数据对和简单括号结构的纯文本,因此可通过许多途径进行JSON消息的传递. 1. JSONP定义 JSONP是英文JSON with Padding的缩写,是一个非官方的协议.它允许在服务器端生成script tags返回至客户端,通过javascript…