In real-world projects, it's common to find Apache web server as a front door to your application server. The advantages of such an architecture are as follows: • Speed: Apache is generally faster at serving static content than JBoss Web server. • Se…
Windows环境下,将Django部署到Apache Web Server 在Windows上部署Django(用mod_wsgi)会出现各种奇怪的问题,现简单记录下配置过程及遇到的错误及解决方法. 环境搭建 windows 7 python 2.7.3 (注意最好是32位的,因为Apache目前对64位支持非常不友善,尝试了好多次,64位的太高大上,众多不兼容) Apache2.2.10 (…
一.安装好Apache后服务里没有Apache服务 在命令行进入安装apache的bin目录下,输入命令 httpd.exe -k install -n Apache2.4 二.Apache web server Cannot load modules/ into server 进入conf文件夹下httpd.conf文件,将ServerRoot和DocumentRoot修改为放置Apache文件的正确路径即可 三.Apache启动错误AH00558: h…
The Apache Project The Apache Project is a collaborative software development effort. Its goal is to produce a robust, commercial-grade, free HTTP server. The project is run by volunteers the Apache Group communicating and planning through the Intern…
安装环境 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo) jdk1.7.0_80 httpd-2.4.35.tar.gz apr-1.6.5.tar.gz.apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz.apr-iconv-1.2.2.tar.gz pcre-8.42.tar.gz 安装依赖gcc,gcc-c++,uuid-devel,libuuid-devel Apache HTTP Server是Web服务器,支持http.SSL协议,Su…