Hi there, I've upgraded a number of test systems to the latest Saucy beta. I've seen quite a few cases of processes being killed by lowmemorykiller with the following entries being logged: [ 291.565121] lowmemorykiller: send sigkill to 4476 (python),…
1 Set max_connections to three times the number of processor cores on the server. Include virtual (hyperthreading) cores. Set shared_buffers to 4GB for servers with up to 64 GB of RAM. Use 8GB for systems with more than 64 GB of RA…
DEADLOCKS Both processes are blocked and will remain so forever. This situation is called a deadlock. 6.1 RESOURCES 6.1.1 Preemptable and Nonpreemptable Resources Resources come in two types: preemptable and nonpreemptable. A preempt-able resource is…
代码位于frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/,一共有七十个文件. Java源码位于package com.android.server.am里 下面是消息处理部分 处理应用崩溃消息 14223 /** 14224 * Used by {@link com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit} to report when an application crashes. 14225 * The…
转载自http://www.dbasquare.com/kb/how-to-adjust-oom-score-for-a-process/ How to adjust OOM score for a process? Each process in Linux has a OOM score assigned to it. Its value is primarily based on the amount of memory a process uses. Whenever system is…