Hi there, I've upgraded a number of test systems to the latest Saucy beta. I've seen quite a few cases of processes being killed by lowmemorykiller with the following entries being logged: [ 291.565121] lowmemorykiller: send sigkill to 4476 (python),…
FUSER(1) User Commands FUSER(1) NAME fuser - identify processes using files or sockets SYNOPSIS fuser [-fuv] [-a|-s] [-4|-6] [-c|-m|-n space ] [-k [-i] [-M] [-w] [-SIGNAL ] ] name ... fuser -l fuser -V DESCRIPTION fuser displays the PIDs of processes…
Kali2.0系统自带的WiFite脚本代码中有几行错误,以下是修正后的代码: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wifite author: derv82 at gmail author: bwall @botnet_hunter (ballastsec@gmail.com) author: drone @dronesec (ballastsec@gmail.com) Thanks to everyone that…
1        Set max_connections to three times the number of processor cores on the server. Include virtual (hyperthreading) cores. Set shared_buffers             to 4GB for servers with up to 64 GB of RAM. Use 8GB for systems with more than 64 GB of RA…
一.前言 本文承接上一篇:hbase_学习_01_HBase环境搭建(单机),主要是搭建 hive 的单机环境 二.环境准备 1.说明 hive 的下载来源有: 官方版本:http://archive.apache.org/dist/hive/ CDH版本:http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5 企业应用一般选择CDH版本,因为比较稳定. 若决定使用CDH版本,则要保证相关软件的CDH版本相同,如 选择 hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.9.3  与  hbase-1…
DEADLOCKS Both processes are blocked and will remain so forever. This situation is called a deadlock. 6.1 RESOURCES 6.1.1 Preemptable and Nonpreemptable Resources Resources come in two types: preemptable and nonpreemptable. A preempt-able resource is…
代码位于frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/,一共有七十个文件. Java源码位于package com.android.server.am里 下面是消息处理部分 处理应用崩溃消息 14223 /** 14224 * Used by {@link com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit} to report when an application crashes. 14225 * The…
代码位于frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/,一共有七十个文件. Java源码位于package com.android.server.am里 该类继承了IActivityManager.Stub的aidl通信接口,实现了watchdog monitor和battery stats impl的basttery callback接口 456public class ActivityManagerService exten…
这篇博客是上一篇博客Oracle shutdown immediate遭遇ORA-24324 ORA-24323 ORA-01089的延伸(数据库挂起hang时,才去重启的),其实这是我们海外一工厂的遇到的案例,把内容拆开是因为这个case分开讲述显得主题明确一些.正式进入主题: 服务器数据库版本Oracle Database 10g Release,操作系统为Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7,虚拟机.当时告警日志里面出…
转载自http://www.dbasquare.com/kb/how-to-adjust-oom-score-for-a-process/ How to adjust OOM score for a process? Each process in Linux has a OOM score assigned to it. Its value is primarily based on the amount of memory a process uses. Whenever system is…