-- 清空全部数据,不写日志,不可恢复,速度极快truncate table 表名; -- 清空全部数据,写日志,数据可恢复,速度慢delete from 表名; --从一个数据库复制一张表带另一个数据库(或同一个数据库) SELECT * INTO [zbdb].[dbo].t_bctest FROM [zbdb].[dbo].tbl_zb_weekbcinfo --删除数据表中的空格字段 delete from [zbdb].[dbo].t_test where dqfsmj is NU…
Find and exploit SQL Injections with free Netsparker SQL Injection Scanner SQL Injection Cheat Sheet, Document Version 1.4 About SQL Injection Cheat Sheet Currently only for MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server, some ORACLE and some PostgreSQL. Most of sam…
之前的项目使用存储过程很少,但在实际的项目中,存储过程的使用是必不可少的. 存储过程是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句 集,经编译后存储在数据库中:存储过程创建后,一次编译在程序中可以多次调用,对安全性.速度都有一定的好处.现将Oracle存储过程中的笔记记录下来,加深印象. 创建存储过程的基本语法 Create or replace procedure 存储过程名 (参数名 in 参数类型(number.date等),参数名2 out 参数类型) as cursor 游标名 is selec…
SELECT beatid,COUNT(d.id) dongnicount FROM `bed_beat_dongni` d INNER JOIN bed_beat b on b.id = d.beatid GROUP by beatid SELECT b.*,ccc.dongnicount from bed_beat b left join(SELECT beatid,COUNT(d.id) dongnicount FROM `bed_beat_dongni` d INNER JOIN b…
1.三涨停 select biao1.代码,biao1.名称 from biao1,biao2,biao3 where (biao1.涨幅+ biao2.涨幅+biao3.涨幅)>0.27 and (biao1.代码 = biao2.代码) and (biao2.代码 = biao3.代码) and not exists (select * from biaoxg where 代码=biao1.代码) 2.二涨停 select biao1.代码,biao1.名称 from biao1,biao…
1. remap的解释 For example, you are given a node that says it subscribes to the "chatter" topic, but you only have a node that publishes the "hello" topic. They are the same type, and you want to pipe your "hello" topic into the…
转其他地方. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a43aba560101a2s5.html 运行书本中的程序.1,首先,下载源码:unpv13e.tar.gz2,然后,编译程序,方法如下:(具体编译方法可以看unpv13e中的README文档) tar -zxvf unpv13e.tar.gz (-C dir)//解压文件 cd unpv13e ./configure # try to figure out all implementation differe…