Dear Project Manager, I Hate You】的更多相关文章

项目经理,我恨你,而且我知道你也恨我.我真的不理解,你究竟是做什么的. 你是一个多么独特的角色呀,几乎每个公司都要雇用你这样的人.可在不管大大小小的项目中,你与其说是帮忙,不如说是添乱.我坚信,大部分的项目经理都可以用一个技术首领来替代,我是严肃的,难道一群聪明的人真的需要另外一个人来替他们“管理”项目吗? 下面是 7 种项目经理让我恼火的事情. 1. 你拿不出任何有用的东西 我知道这话很刺耳,但这是事实.我打过交道的所有项目经理都没有贡献过任何价值.如果项目上出现了问题和麻烦,你只会催促我们搞…
The key to being a smart project manager is to remember how you are going to manage your project, to know what to do if it does not work, and to win and keep the support of all of the project stakeholders. How are you going to do it? Remembering the……
resources:"Software Engineering" Ian Sommerville For most projects, important goals are: Deliver the software to customer at the agreed time. Keep overall costs within budget. Deliver software that meets the customer's expections. Maintain a hap…
If a project is in trouble, the project manager needs to work to recover it and get the schedule back on track. Hopefully, it's not too late to still meet the project deadlines and goals. Performing a project recovery is not a fun or easy task, but s…
Research among project managers globally identifies top communication skills for leading teams. Leading people - the experiential side of project management - is as important as task-based skills according to project managers in Europe, the Middle Ea…
I was recently invited to speak at a conference in Singapore on Effective Project Communications. I'm unable to attend, so I wanted to share my insights on this very important topic in a blog entry. As a Project Manager, communication will occur in m…
One of the challenges of explaining project management to people who are unfamiliar with the approach, is that descriptions are often either so high-level as to be meaningless, or so detailed that they are overwhelming. Over the years, I have come to…
Project Management ProcessDescription .......................................................................................................................................................................................1STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST…
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of project management and to give a brief overview of the methodology that underpins most formally run projects. Many organisations do not employ full time Project Managers and it is…
The benefits of risk management in projects are huge. You can gain a lot of money if you deal with uncertain project events in a proactive manner. The result will be that you minimise the impact of project threats and seize the opportunities that occ…
In any project, change is inevitable whether it comes from within the project or from external sources, therefore it makes sense to have an agreed process in order to identify, assess and control any potential and approved changes to what was origina…
Project management in the modern sense began in the early 1950s, although it has its roots further back in the latter years of the 19th century. The driver for project management was businesses realising the benefits of organising work around project…
Successful projects start with a good quality project schedule. Creating a schedule is one of the first tasks you should do when given a project to manage. There is often a temptation to get on with the work and worry about the schedule later, but th…
The Wideman Comparative Glossary of Common Project Management Terms describes estimating cost as, "the process of forecasting a future result in terms of cost, based upon information available at the time." In his book 'How to be a Better Projec…
一个web项目的团队往往具有以下角色的人员组成: project stakeholder(client or business owner)产品经理 Project manager 项目经理 producer 制片人 editor/copywriter编辑和文案人员 information architect: 信息架构师 Graphic designer 图形图像设计师 HTML Developer HTML开发人员(涵盖CSS, javascript开发) Developer 开发人员(往往…
I commited the information below to report PDU of PMI. ^_^. In this paper, the author introduces his good experience of project management. I list it below with my learning and understanding in our development. Be Agile Learning: as a member of softw… 从 Program Manager 看 Leader 是什么角色 转载请注明出处 很多公司都自然而然的有个了Leader的虚职位, 比如iOS leader, Android Leader, 他们直接对技术经理或者是团队技术负责人负责. 这个角色具体有哪些作用呢? 大公司的项目…
What is Issue Management? Issue Management is the process to make others aware of the problem and then resolve it as fast as possible To understand this, take the following exercise -   There are some typical issues in the project Strategy The Projec…
原文 : Machine learning is a technical process, but it starts and ends with people. The first step to structuring your machine learning project is to consid…
Notepad++是windows下的一个强大的文本编辑器; 它免费,开源, 比windows自带的记事本强大百倍; 我自己的感觉: 1.打开超大的文本文件,比方100M大小的文本格式的数据,记事本会罢工,Notepad++毫无压力; 2.支持种类繁多的代码的scheme, 比某些收费软件支持的还好, 比方EditPad pro竟然不支持matlab/octave脚本的; 3.编辑方面,块编辑和列编辑,是替代记事本的Editor差点儿都要考虑的,比較了之后,发现Notepad++做得最好,胜过E…
关键词 参考 简历模板 参考 下面开始是正文(关键词原文) 介绍 本项目由海外兔 ( 维护,海外兔团队由一线互联网面试官组成,提供海内外公司一对一入职套餐以及算法课程. 入职不成功不收费.详细信息请浏览求职课程 相关项目 大厂高频面经面试题 免费项目实战课程 项目目录 项目包括程序员简历例句,程序员简历范例,Java 简历模版,Python 简历模版,C++ 简历模版 个人简介 简介 前端 移动端 后端 项目经验 通用 前端 后端 英文版本 简介 项目经验…
shiro是apache下的一个项目,和spring security类似,用于用户权限的管理‘ 但从易用性和学习成本上考虑,shiro更具优势,同时shiro支持和很多接口集成 用户及权限管理是众多系统都需要解决的问题,采用各种不同的方式均可实现.在比较出名的用户权限控制框架中 spring security 和apache shiro 位居前列.但由于spring security使用相对复杂,学习成本较高故不被众多开发人员采用.而apache shiro则在使用上较为简单灵活且容易学习,故…
个人简介 姓名:周旭龙 关注:.NET开发技术.Web前端技术 邮箱 GitHub: 主要经历 2012年毕业于 SWUST,计算机专业学士学位 2015年毕业于 CUIT,计算机专业硕士学位 2013.05 - 2014.06,就职于 CDEIC,负责成都市公共资源电子交易服务平台的开发工作 2015.03 - 2015.11,就职于 Sobey,负责海外产品线Sony X-Disc Ar…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
11-4.在”模型定义”函数里调用另一个”模型定义”函数 问题 想要用一个”模型定义”函数去实现另一个”模型定义”函数 解决方案 假设我们已有一个公司合伙人关系连同它们的结构模型,如Figure 11-4所示: Figure 11-4. A model representing the associate types in a company together with the reporting association 在我们的虚拟的公司里, , team members被一个team lea…
好久没有写过Blog, 每天看着开源的Java社区流口水, 心里满不是滋味. 终于等到了今年六月份 dotnet core 的正式发布, 看着dotnet 社区也一步一步走向繁荣, 一片蒸蒸日上的大好景象. 不在绑定Windows, 相信众位dotneter的春天就要来了 废话不多说, 早就对dotnet core 跃跃欲试, 手头一个新项目也正计划使用dotnet core来开发. 正好自己做做调研, 就与大家分享一点使用MongoDB的经验. 首先, 安装VS Code, 并安装C#插件,…