[Ramda] Basic Curry with Ramda】的更多相关文章

var _ = R; /***************************************** C U R R Y I N G E X A M P L E ******************************************/ // We've got a nice multiply function. // It takes two arguments. console.log( _.multiply(3, 4) ); // But it has been secr…
Handling your logic with composable functions makes your code declarative, leading to code that's easy to read and easy to test. Breaking that up to wrap some risky function in a try/catch block introduces imperative code and makes it harder to maint…
Most of the functions offered by the ramda library are curried by default. Functions you've created or that you've pulled in from another library may not be curried. Ramda's curry and curryN functions allow you to take a non-curried function and use…
In this lesson we'll take an array of objects and map it to a new array where each object is a subset of the original. We'll look at multiple ways to accomplish this, refactoring our code into a simple and easy to read function using Ramda's map, pic…
Ramda 基本的数据结构都是原生 JavaScript 对象,我们常用的集合是 JavaScript 的数组.Ramda 还保留了许多其他原生 JavaScript 特性,例如,函数是具有属性的对象. 今天我来说说javascript函数式的方法库--Ramda.Ramda主要特性如下: Ramda 强调更加纯粹的函数式风格.数据不变性和函数无副作用是其核心设计理念.这可以帮助你使用简洁.优雅的代码来完成工作. Ramda 函数本身都是自动柯里化的.这可以让你在只提供部分参数的情况下,轻松地在…
Monads allow you to nest computations. They are a pointed functor that adds mjoin and chain functions to combine other functors. Brian shows a number of code examples of different monads in action. functions: "mjoin", "chain" mjoin: va…
Currying is a core concept of functional programming and a useful tool for any developer's toolbelt. Example 1: let f = a => b => c => a+b+c; let result = f(1)(2)(3); console.log(result); Example 2: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>…
这节开始讲的例子都使用简单的TS来写,尽量做到和es6差别不大,正文如下 我们在编程中必然需要用到一些变量存储数据,供今后其他地方调用.而函数式编程有一个要领就是最好不要依赖外部变量(当然允许通过参数传递咯),如何解决这个矛盾的问题呢?将函数柯里化`Curry`就可以了,这种技巧可以让函数记住一些历史数据,也就是缓存,怎么做呢? 说柯里化之前必须先说一下闭包,因为这是实现柯里化的方法. 闭包 const fun = () => { let a = 0; return () => { a +=…
Credits: aijs.rocks 虽然python或r编程语言有一个相对容易的学习曲线,但是Web开发人员更喜欢在他们舒适的javascript区域内做事情.目前来看,node.js已经开始向每个领域应用javascript,在这一大趋势下我们需要理解并使用JS进行机器学习.由于可用的软件包数量众多,python变得流行起来,但是JS社区也紧随其后.这篇文章会帮助初学者学习如何构建一个简单的分类器. 扩展:2019年11个javascript机器学习库很棒的机器学习库,可以在你的下一个应用…