Messes in Reading Source Coding of SSD】的更多相关文章

这里记录在学习SSD源码过程中用到的相关内容 keras.applications.imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(): 用来将读入的原始图片张量转换成为需要Imagenet网络识别的形式,源码显示的是进行通道的转换以及减去各个通道均值,这个均值应该是ImageNet上面训练数据集上的均值. keras.preprocessing.image: 包含了对图像预处理的一些基本操作,也是最常用的操作. SciPy中的io 和misc是常用的模块,imsave可以将一个…
software is a system built up of many parts rebuild that decomposition see the patterns in codes is a skill that one develops with practice…
This post is first posted on my WeChat public account: GeekArtT Reading source code is always one big part for software engineers. Just like the writers to learn writing by reading a heck of classic books, like the painters to "read" a bunches o…
Keywords: Source types, Discrete source coding, Kraft inequality 1.      Source classes About Figure 1.1 in LESSON1, the source encoder converts the sequence of symbols from the source to a sequence of binary digits, preferably using as few binary di…
CSharpGL(53)漫反射辐照度 本系列将通过翻译(这个网站上关于PBR的内容来学习PBR(Physically Based Rendering). 本系列共4篇.由于前2篇已经有人翻译过了(,我暂时就跳过,直接翻译第3篇. 本篇讲了什么,我也不太懂.不过我在CSharpGL中已经实现了一个PBR的demo.代码都有了,早晚会懂的. 下…
小结: 1.ASCII编码.GBK编码不是变长编码: 2.数据压缩: 示例: aabacdab → 00100110111010 → |0|0|10|0|110|111|0|10| → aabacdab 3.变长编码: 符号-位长 映射:变长编码表 变长编码表是通过一种评估来源符号出现机率的方法得到的,出现机率高的字母使用较短的编码,反…
MATLAB Toolboxes top (Top) Audio - Astronomy - BiomedicalInformatics - Chemometrics  - Chaos - Chemistry - Coding - Control - Communications - Engineering - Data Mining - Excel - FEM - Fuzzy - Finance - GAs - Graph - Graphics - Images - ICA - Kernel …
This small tutorial is based on my past 16+ years of experience in software development industry. I have gone through different stages in my career starting from trainee software developer till senior management. I do not want to keep my learnings to…
Download Source Introduction Earlier in the last year I made a different approach to work on Entity Framework and in that I made some classes to handle the ObjectContext in single request scope and some extension methods to handle Insert / Update / D… This year I had the privilege to organize GopherConIndia 2015 and also interview a number of Gophers. Read what Gophers from across the world had to say to the question …