C. Geometric Progression Time Limit: 2 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/567/problem/C Description Polycarp loves geometric progressions very much. Since he was only three years old, he loves only the progressions of length…
C. Geometric Progression time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Polycarp loves geometric progressions very much. Since he was only three years old, he loves only the progressions o…
Rikka with Phi Accepts: 5 Submissions: 66 Time Limit: 16000/8000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Problem Description Rikka and Yuta are interested in Phi function (which is known as Euler's totient function). Yuta giv…
Codeforces Round #262 (Div. 2) 1003 C. Present time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Little beaver is a beginner programmer, so informatics is his favorite subject. Soon his info…
Baby Ming and Weight lifting Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 681 Accepted Submission(s): 280 Problem Description Baby Ming is fond of weight lifting. He has a barbell pole(the…
tree Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 863 Accepted Submission(s): 409 Problem Description There is a tree(the tree is a connected graph which contains n points and n−1 edges),t…
HDOJ5054 Alice and Bob Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 302 Accepted Submission(s): 229 Problem Description Bob and Alice got separated in the Square, they agreed that if they…
Rikka with Graph Accepts: 123 Submissions: 525 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) 问题描述 众所周知,萌萌哒六花不擅长数学,所以勇太给了她一些数学问题做练习,其中有一道是这样的: 给出一张 nn 个点 n+1n+1 条边的无向图,你可以选择一些边(至少一条)删除. 现在勇太想知道有多少种方案使得删除之后图依然联通.…
题目传送门 /* 题意: 求(n-1)! mod n 数论:没啥意思,打个表能发现规律,但坑点是4时要特判! */ /************************************************ * Author :Running_Time * Created Time :2015-8-15 19:06:12 * File Name :A.cpp ************************************************/ #include <cstdi…
题目链接: huangjing hdu5054 Alice and Bob 思路: 就是(x,y)在两个參考系中的表示演全然一样.那么仅仅可能在这个矩形的中点.. 题目: Alice and Bob Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 216 Accepted Submission(s): 166 Problem De…
组合 1001 LCP Array 第一题就小难,出题的好像是浙大的大牛? 找到一个规律:a[i] = x, s[i..i+x]都想同.a[i] = a[i+1] + 1 (a[i] > 0),否则就是与后一个颜色不同,方案*25.第一次颜色相同的26种方案. #include <bits/stdc++.h> typedef long long ll; const int N = 1e5 + 5; const int MOD = 1e9 + 7; int a[N]; int main()…