[Advance] How to debug a program (上)】的更多相关文章

Tool GDB Examining Memory (data or in machine instructions) You can use the command x (for “examine”) to examine memory in any of several formats, independently of your program's data types. x/nfu addr x addr x n, the repeat count The repeat count is…
1.本地项目提交到svn上,以保证本地代码与服务器代码相同 2.开启服务器debug端口 3.使用root账号重新部署服务器项目并监听catalina.out sh /home/p/deploy/gt_environ/deploy.sh -s trunk -v && tail -f /home/p/www/gt_environ/logs/catalina.out 4.配置eclipse debug设置 5.打断点…
#include <stdio.h> static void display(int i, int *ptr); int main(void) { int x = 5; int *xptr = &x; printf("In main():\n"); printf(" x is %d and is stored at %p.\n", x, &x); printf(" xptr points to %p which holds %d…
1.在windows下运行jboss的debug.bat 看见监听的端口 2.打开myeclipse 点击选择 ①你要配置的名字(随意) ②myeclipse中选中该项目 ③jboss的启动的ip地址 ④jboss中的远程端口,即1中的8787 ⑤ 选中 允许远程虚拟机终止…
断点上有斜杠,这是由于设置了Skip All Breakpoints的缘故,调试会忽略所有断点,执行完,只需取消Skip All Breakpoints即可,操作:Run-->Skip All Breakpoints…
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EJVqw7JPjjaib68tENl5AQ 简单介绍TLDebugModuleInner中的Program Buffer Access. 1. implementation-specific bits set by harts executing code 1) haltedBitRegs/resumeReqRegs haltedBitRegs和resumeReqRegs在dmactive为假的情况下,值为0.在dmactive为真的情况下…
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kjhJJ3moRQzxHt6pJOXEgg 简单介绍TLDebugModuleInner中Program Buffer寄存器的实现. 1. programBufferMem 1) 定义 以字节为单位的Program Buffer寄存器: 2) 复位值 dmactive为假时,其值为0: 2. programBufferNxt 用于存放programBufferMem寄存器的将要使用的值. 3. 寄存器组 programBufferMem是一…
我们工作中,有时候测试/生产环境,出现的结果会与我们预计的不一样,只看代码又看不出去问题所在,这个时候就需要远程debug下服务器上的项目. 注意:(1)需要debug的代码,本机代码需与服务器上一致.(2)保证服务器下开了允许远程debug的端口 一.打开远程debug 1.右击要debug的项目,Run As ->Debug Configurations,找到Remove Java Application,如下: 填下远程主机IP和端口 备注:如何找预留的debug端口:一般而言,找到对应项…
mac上eclipse用gdb调试 With its new OS release, Apple has discontinued the use of GDB in OS X. Since 2005 Apple has steadily been moving away from the GNU toolchain in favor of LLVM. This means that Xcode now uses LLDB instead. LLDB looks to be a very nic…
1)根据你必须知道的.NET一书, #define DEBUG class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("debug mode"); #else Console.WriteLine("release mode"); #endif } } 代码很简单,但其实这段代码是有问题的. 原因出在,其实vs中内置了DEBUG,所以无需在开头再定义DEBUG.还是s…