临时添加 If, some time during a PowerShell session, you need to modify the PATH environment variable tempo…
How to use "cron" to create scheduled task Minimum time cycle: 1 minute Use crontab -e edit scheduled task 25 10 * * * (/bin/bash /your/scripts/dir/ If user Environment Variable need to be used, you need add . /etc/profile and . ~/.bash_…
搞了半天,原来是 AVAST搞的鬼,把原来注册表的键值改成它自己了.其实应该是 C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll The answer in the following page helpped me. run-> regedit and take backup of registry using export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFT…
One of the new changes that you will see in XenDesktop 5 is the configuration of hypervisor connectionsand hosts. In order to create the “pooled”, “dedicated”, or “existing” catalog types in XenDesktop 5, XenDesktop needs to know details of the hyper…
This can happen when the environment variables are missing an entry for Powershell. $env:path must include C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;. As mentioned in the comments, the installer likely added this entry to your path after not findin…
This section describes how to set up your local work environment to build the Android source files. You will need to use Linux or Mac OS. Building under Windows is not currently supported. Note: The source download is approximately 8.5GB in size. You…