iOS programming Code Snippet Library】的更多相关文章

iOS programming  Code Snippet Library  The freebie code comes from the code snippet library. 代码来自code snippet library. Notice that there are a number of code snippets available 有许多code snippets available . Click the Edit button on the code snippet de…
在项目的实际开发中,我们会重复的书写很多的代码,我经常是需要用到某一个功能,就从以前的项目中复制粘贴过来,很是麻烦 下面就为大家提供两种不错的方法, 一.宏定义,这个大家应该很熟悉,在这里就不做多的介绍了 二.就是show the code snippet library(显示代码块) 可以在这里打开:…
最近换了新电脑,装上Xcode敲代码发现很多以前攒的Code Snippet忘记备份了,总结了一下Code Snippet的设置方法,且行且添加,慢慢积累吧. 如下图:   Title - Code Snippet标题 Summary - Code Snippet摘要 Platform - Code Snippet使用平台,有IOS/OS X/All三个选项 Language - 语言 Completion Shortcut - 快捷方式(在设置时不能与系统重复) Completion Scop…
你可以将自己常用的代码放到里面,给它命名,设置快捷键,以后想用这段代码的时候只要按快捷键,就会出现提示,直接将这段代码显示出来,十分高效. 比如我经常会用到一个动画:[UIView beginAnimations:@"EaseIn" context:nil];[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn];[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5];[UIView commitAnimations];…
今天发现Xcode里一个好东西:代码片段库 你可以将自己常用的代码放到里面,给它命名,设置快捷键,以后想用这段代码的时候只要按快捷键,就会出现提示,直接将这段代码显示出来,十分高效. 比如我经常会用到一个动画: [UIView beginAnimations:@"EaseIn" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; […
1.code snippet 备份路径:~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/… 目录(?)[-] 引言 什么是Code Snippets 如何新建Code Snippets   引言 在项目开发中,我们经常可以看到如下所示的代码: 1 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *isbatchapprove; 2 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *currentResult; 3 @pro…
iOS Programming Autorotation, Popover Controllers, and Modal View Controllers  自动旋转,Popover 控制器,Modal view controller  1.  In this chapter, you are going to make four changes to Homepwner's behavior that will tailor the app's behavior to whatever dev…
iOS Programming UIStoryboard In this chapter, you will use a storyboard instead. Storyboards are a feature of iOS that allows you to instantiate and lay out all of your view controllers in one XIB-like file. Additionally, you can wire up view control…
iOS Programming UINavigationController the Settings application has multiple related screens of information: a list of settings (like Sounds), a detailed page for each setting, and a selection page for each detail. This type of interface is called a…