Converting to NIMBLE from JAGS, OpenBUGS or WinBUGS NIMBLE is a hierarchical modeling package that uses nearly the same modeling language as the popular MCMC packages WinBUGS, OpenBUGS and JAGS. NIMBLE makes the modeling language extensible — you can…
This is a quick guide covering nearly all of Nemerle's features. It should be especially useful to anyone who is already familiar with C# or a similar language: Table of Contents Variables Operators Logical Operators Bit Operators Type Casts/Conversi…
A Quick Guide to Go's Assembler 快速指南汇编程序:使用go语言的汇编器简介 A Quick Guide to Go's Assembler Constants Symbols Directives Runtime Coordination Architecture-specific details 32-bit Intel 386 64-bit Intel 386 (a.k.a. amd64) ARM ARM64 64-bit PowerPC, a.k.a. pp…
本文转自: Introduction This could help you in building your first project! Be it a fresher or an experienced professional in data science, doing voluntary projects… github源码: There are many articles on my blog about microservices w…
软件swigwin3    用于生成c的lua包装lua5.2源代码 步骤进入目录G:\sw\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\lua\arrays执行 SWIG -lua     example.i, 就会生成文件example_wrap.c进入lua source code G:\doc\lua\lua-5.2.4.tar\lua-5.2.4\src拷贝swig生成的几个c文件到该目录 b编写一个新的mymain.c内容如下 执行cl编译生成example.exe 执行exam…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Setting up NTP on Windows It's very helpful that Meinberg have provided an installer for the highly-respected and high-accurate NTP software for Windows users - my thanks to them.  This Web page provides a quick guide to installing NTP on Windows XP,…
ROM files, unless altered by the uploader, always have special suffixes to quickly denote what the status of the ROM is. Since ROMs are “dumped” from the physical copy into a digital version by different groups (think in terms of modern day “scene” g…
Spring Boot How To 1. 简介 本章节将回答一些常见的"我该怎么做"类型的问题,这些问题在我们使用spring Boot时经常遇到.这绝不是一个详尽的列表,但它覆盖了很多方面. 如果遇到一个特殊的我们没有覆盖的问题,你可能想去查看 2. Spring Boot应用 2.1. 解决自动配置问题 Spring Boot自动配置总是尝试尽最大努力去做正确的事,但有时候会失败并且很难说出失败原因. 在每个Spring Boot Applica…