原文地址:https://spotify.github.io/snakebite/hadoop_rpc.html Snakebite currently implements the following protocol in snakebite.channel.SocketRpcChannel to communicate with the NameNode. Connection The Hadoop RPC protocol works as described below. On con…
http://yanbohappy.sinaapp.com/?p=110 最新版本的Hadoop代码中已经默认了Protocol buffer(以下简称PB,http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/)作为RPC的默认实现,原来的WritableRpcEngine已经被淘汰了.来自cloudera的Aaron T. Myers在邮件中这样说的"since PB can provide support for evolving protocols in a compati…
原文地址:http://yanbohappy.sinaapp.com/?p=110 最新版本的Hadoop代码中已经默认了Protocol buffer(以下简称PB,http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/)作为RPC的默认实现,原来的WritableRpcEngine已经被淘汰了.来自cloudera的Aaron T. Myers在邮件中这样说的“since PB can provide support for evolving protocols in a co…
集群中遇到了文件个数超出限制的错误: 0)昨天晚上spark 任务突然抛出了异常:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.NSQuotaExceededException: The NameSpace quota (directories and files) of directory /mydir is exceeded: quota=100000 file count=100001 1)错误提示内容信息:集群中遇到了文件个数超出限制的错误. 2)问题错误来自于hado…
Flume 1.8.0 Developer Guide — Apache Flume http://flume.apache.org/FlumeDeveloperGuide.html The remote Flume agent needs to have an AvroSource (or a ThriftSource if you are using a Thrift client) listening on some port. Below is an example Flume agen…
A simple RPC mechanism.A protocol is a Java interface. All parameters and return types must be one of:a primitive type(这个注意是9个基本类型,包括void),a String ; or a Writable or an array of the above types All methods in the protocol should throw only IOExce…
1.导入Hadoop-Common-2.6.0.jar导入工程,里面的IPC实现RPC需要的文件. 2.服务器端 (1)服务接口 package com.neu.rpc.server; /** * Created by apple on 16/6/26. */ public interface LoginServiceInterface { public static final long versionID = 1L; public String login(String username,…