[OrangePi] Building the system】的更多相关文章

You can try to build Debian/Ubuntu for OrangePI yourself. Clone my GitHub repository. You will need running Ubuntu or Debian system (you can even run it on OrangePI). Before running the script install debootstrap and qemu-user-static packages. Read c…
I spent several days on building a system about this. And make it work well with serveral thousand lines of codes.…
Resiliency:可译为容错性,强调从错误状态恢复的能力.形容词Resilient可译作“可容错的”. Elasticity:可译为伸缩性,强调根据负载进行水平伸缩的能力.形容词Elastic可译作“可伸缩的”. Elasticity(可伸缩性):指系统在流量大时能横向扩展,当流量小时又能减少不必要的资源:(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9587919/what-is-the-difference-between-scalability-and-el…
下面的内容来自Android官方网站,由于访问这个网站需要FQ,不方便,所以我把部分内容copy下来了,不保证内容是最新的. Source Overview    Codelines, Branches, and Releases    Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers    Project Roles    Brand Guidelines    Licenses    FAQDownloading and Building    Establishing…
一.万恶的擦除 我在自己总结的[Java心得总结三]Java泛型上——初识泛型这篇博文中提到了Java中对泛型擦除的问题,考虑下面代码: import java.util.*; public class ErasedTypeEquivalence { public static void main(String[] args) { Class c1 = new ArrayList<String>().getClass(); Class c2 = new ArrayList<Integer…
AWS 认证是对其在 AWS 平台上设计.部署和管理应用程序所需的技能和技术知识的一种认可.获得证书有助于证明您使用 AWS 的丰富经验和可信度,同时还能提升您所在的组织熟练使用基于 AWS 云服务应用的整体水平. 目前亚马逊推出了Solutions Architect,Developer和SysOps Administrator三个方向的认证.每个方向又分为Associate Level(助理级),Professional Level(专家级)和Master Level(大师级).当然目前只有…
原文地址:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/microservices-reference-architecture-spring-boot-cloud-anil-allewar What is "Microservices"? Microservices is the "new kid" on the block; a new paradigm that seeks to replace monolithic enterprise ap…
From Thinking in Java 4th Edition. 泛型实现了:参数化类型的概念,使代码可以应用于多种类型.“泛型”这个术语的意思是:“适用于许多许多的类型”. 如果你了解其他语言(例如: C++)中的参数化类型机制,你就会发现,有些以前能做到的事情,使用Java的泛型机制却无法做到. Java中的泛型需要与C++进行一番比较.了解C++模板的某些方面,有助于你理解泛型的基础.同事,非常重要的一点是:你可以了解Java泛型的局限性是什么,以及为什么会有这些限制.最终是要让你理解…
Information hiding is important for many reasons, most of which stem from the fact that it decouples the modules that comprise a system, allowing them to be developed, tested, optimized, used, understood, and modified in isolation. Advantage Speeds u…
Principle Strive to write good programs rather than fast ones. Strive to avoid design decisions that limit performance. Design components: APIs Wire-level protocols Persistent data formats Consider the performance consequences of your API design deci…