Call Paralution Solver from Fortran】的更多相关文章

Abstract: Paralution is an open source library for sparse iterative methods with special focus on multi-core and accelerator technology such as GPUs. It has a simple fortran interface and not well designed for multiple right-hand-sides. Here we defin…
Over the years, I have collected, modified, adapted, adopted or created a number of software packages in FORTRAN. You might be able to use one of these libraries, or a routine or two from a library. The packages are at different levels of completion.…
轨道力学中二体问题下求解兰伯特方程. 老外写的Matlab程序,我把它转成了Fortran程序. !***************************************************************** subroutine solve_lambert(r1,r2,tt,GM,lw,N,nBranch,v1,v2) implicit real(8)(A-H,O-Z) dimension r1(3),r2(3),v1(3),v2(3),tmp3(3),wih(3),r1…
题目链接:Sudoku Solver | LeetCode OJ Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells. Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'. You may assume that there will be only one unique solution. A sudoku puzzle... ...and its solution n…
faster-rcnn在训练阶段,根据一个solver的prototxt文件创建相应的网络.仅凭一个prototxt就创建网络?其实还涉及到自定义的PythonLayer. 比如lib/rpn/,一开始感觉它只定义了一个AnchorTargetLayer类但是没有使用过(grep查找找不到),仔细分析源码执行过程才发现,是因为使用了Boost.Python混编相关的技术,是在trainval.prototxt中有定义'python'类的层,并且指定到A…
solver算是caffe的核心的核心,它协调着整个模型的运作.caffe程序运行必带的一个参数就是solver配置文件.运行代码一般为 #caffe train --solver=*_solver.prototxt 在Deep Learning中,往往loss function是非凸的,没有解析解,我们需要通过优化方法来求解.solver的主要作用就是交替调用前向(forward)算法和后向(backward)算法来更新参数,从而最小化loss,实际上就是一种迭代的优化算法. 到目前的版本,c…
GE是大于等于号(>=),GT是大于号(>),LE是小于等于号(<=),LT是小于号(<) IF基本用法   If(逻辑判断式) then …… End if If(逻辑判断式) then …… Else …… End if 逻辑运算符: Fortran 90   Fortran 77 == 判断是否“相等”   .eq. 判断是否“等于” /= 判断是否“不相等”   .ne. 判断是否“不等于” >  判断是否“大于”   .gt. 判断是否“大于” >= 判断是否…
在Fortran中的MPI_开头函数都常有一个整数型的错误变量用以函数返回错误信息.如: call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) 在没有ierr参数时,程序可能会出项access violation出现.…
Abstract We describe and analyze a simple and effective iterative algorithm for solving the optimization problem cast by Support Vector Machines (SVM). Our method alternates between stochastic gradient descent steps and projection steps. We prove tha…
1.Solver类两个构造函数 Solver(const SolverParameter& param) Solver(const string& param_file) 初始化两个类net_和test_net并调用Init()函数 2.Init函数 初始化网络 设置随机数种子 申请一块Net空间,test_net_指向这块空间 输入:SolverParameter 类型 param 3.训练网络 Solve函数 设置caffe mode 设置当前阶段(Train/Test) 调用PreS…