【CodeForces 577B】Modulo Sum】的更多相关文章

题 题意 给你n(1 ≤ n ≤ 106)个数a1..an(0 ≤ ai ≤ 109),再给你m( 2 ≤ m ≤ 103)如果n个数的子集的和可以被m整除,则输出YES,否则NO. 分析 分两种情况: 当n>m时,s[i]表示a[i]前缀和,s[i]%m的取值为0到m-1,由抽屉原理可知,s[i]一定有重复的,假如重复的是s[l]和s[r],那么s[r]-s[l]也就是l+1到r这些钱加起来就是m 的倍数.故答案为YES. 当n≤m时,我们用dp[i][j]==1表示前i个数可以得到对m取余为…
题目链接: B. Modulo Sum time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given a sequence of numbers a1, a2, ..., an, and a number m. Check if it is possible to choose a non-empty subse…
[codeforces 415D]Mashmokh and ACM 题意:美丽数列定义:对于数列中的每一个i都满足:arr[i+1]%arr[i]==0 输入n,k(1<=n,k<=2000),问满足[数列长度是k && 数列中每一个元素arr[i]在1~n之间 && 数列中元素可以重复]的数列有多少个?结果对10^9+7取余 解题思路:dp[i][j]表示长度是j,最后一位是i的种数 if(kk%i==0) dp[kk][j+1]+=dp[i][j] #inc…
[题目链接]:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/257/D [题意] 给你n个数字; 这n个数字组成的数组满足: a[i-1]<=a[i]<=2*a[i-1] 让你确定每个数字的符号(正或负); 然后把所有的数字都加起来; 把和记为s; 需要满足0<=s<=a[1]; [题解] 记最后一个数字的符号为+ 然后sum=a[n] 由a[i]<=2*a[i-1] 可以得到 a[i]-a[i-1]<=a[i-1] 则让sum去减a…
time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output It's that time of the year, Felicity is around the corner and you can see people celebrating all around the Himalayan region. The Himalayan regi…
time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Mahmoud wrote a message s of length n. He wants to send it as a birthday present to his friend Moaz who likes strings. He wrote it on a magical…
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