Lesson Learned】的更多相关文章

最近,中兴ZTE违反美国商务部禁令,向伊朗出售敏感技术,被美国下达长达7年的禁止令,教训十分深刻.以诚待人,信守承诺,才能在商业社会站稳脚跟. 还是说说最近自己上的一课吧.上了港台服以后,奇奇怪怪的问题比较多.其中之一是玩家被异常登录了.现象是玩家登录游戏,提示账号被异常登录.这种现象本来应该在玩家顶号操作时,被顶号的设备上出现的.不应该在正在登录的活跃客户端上显示 回顾现在的登录过程,玩家连上游戏后,首先会创建一个session.登录完成后,会产生user挂在session上.最后,会找到对应…
April 26, 2015 Spent over a few months to go over 30 questions about algorithm starting from January 13, 2013. 网站很好, 看看, 有些帮助. Some of questions are my favorites ones. http://www.ardendertat.com/ 印象最深的是这道题目: (Most memorized example:) http://www.arden…
调用newtonsoft.json反序列出错: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[WebService.Yeesky.JsonString]' because the type require…
This is the story about how I cracked 122 million* password hashes with John the Ripper and oclHashcat-plus. Author: m3g9tr0n, Copy Editor: Thireus. It was several months ago, when I (m3g9tr0n) saw a tweet from KoreLogic about atorrent file containin…
This past summer I interned at Flipboard in Palo Alto, California. I worked on machine learning based problems, one of which was Image Upscaling. This post will show some preliminary results, discuss our model and its possible applications to Flipboa…
http://blog.csdn.net/benben85/article/details/4161134 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19943766/hadoop-unable-to-load-native-hadoop-library-for-your-platform-error-on-centos mvn package -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Pdist,native -DskipTests -Dtar up v…
eval:计算字符串中的表达式exec:执行字符串中的语句execfile:用来执行一个文件 需注意的是,exec是一个语句,而eval()和execfile()则是内建built-in函数. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits…
Image Scaling using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks This past summer I interned at Flipboard in Palo Alto, California. I worked on machine learning based problems, one of which was Image Upscaling. This post will show some preliminary results, dis…
Divisions David is a young boy and he loves numbers. Recently he learned how to divide two numbers.David divides the whole day. He is happy if the result of the division is an integer, but he is not very amused if this is not the case. After quite a…
Today at the lesson Vitya learned a very interesting function - mex. Mex of a sequence of numbers is the minimum non-negative number that is not present in the sequence as element. For example, mex([4, 33, 0, 1, 1, 5]) = 2 and mex([1, 2, 3]) = 0. Vit…
Review Congratulations on completing the first lesson of HTML & CSS! You are well on your way to becoming a skilled web developer. Let's review what you've learned so far: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create the structure…
原文:http://googleresearch.blogspot.jp/2010/04/lessons-learned-developing-practical.html Lessons learned developing a practical large scale machine learning system Tuesday, April 06, 2010 Posted by Simon Tong, Google Research When faced with a hard pre…
题意: Today at the lesson Vitya learned a very interesting function - mex. Mex of a sequence of numbers is the minimum non-negative number that is not present in the sequence as element. For example, mex([4, 33, 0, 1, 1, 5]) = 2 and mex([1, 2, 3]) = 0.…
Text Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fisherman are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything - n…
Text After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there! As I looking for it, the landlord came in. 'Did you have a good meal?' he asked. 'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I…
Today I troubleshooted an Elasticsearch-cluster-down issue. Several lessons were learned: When many elasticsearch cluster nodes are restarted, to avoid HEAP spike, better to temporarily stop all connection attempts; Avoid setting allow_primary=true w…
Lesson: The "Hello World!" Application The sections listed below provide detailed instructions for compiling and running a simple "Hello World!" application. The first section provides information on getting started with the NetBeans I…
xUnit.Net本身提供了标记测试方法的标签Fact和Theory.在前面的文章<Lesson 02 玩转 xUnit.Net 之 基本UnitTest & 数据驱动>中,也对它们做了详细的介绍.这一篇,来分享一个高级点的主题:如何扩展标签?还是老规矩,看一下议题: 概述 让xUnit.Net识别你的测试Attribute 定义运行策略:XunitTestCase 与Runner交流:消息总线 - IMessageBus 总结 这一篇有一些不大容易理解的东东.因此,我是默认读者已经读…
上一篇文章<[小北De编程手记] : Lesson 03 玩转 xUnit.Net 之 Fixture(上)>向大家介绍了xUnit.Net 共享数据的方式.Test Case的构造函数 & IDisposable.Dispose.Class级别的Fixture : IClassFixture.这一篇,我们接着讲解后面的内容,回顾一下本文要讨论的内容: xUnit.Net 共享数据的方式(上) Test Case的构造函数 & IDisposable.Dispose(上) Cl…
关于<玩转 xUnit.Net>系列文章,我想跟大家分享的不是简单的运行一下测试用例或是介绍一下标签怎么使用(这样的文章网上很多).上一篇<Lesson 01 玩转 xUnit.Net 之 概述>介绍xUnit.Net的一些基本概念.从这一篇开始我将会为大家逐一展示xUnit.Net的强大之处.还是先看一下本文要讨论的内容: xUnit.Net 单元测试用例的类型 简单测试用例 & Fact 标签 数据驱动的用例 & Theory 标签 (一)xUnit.Net 单…
谈到单元测试,任何一个开发或是测试人员都不会觉得陌生.我想大多数的同学也都是接触过各种单元测试框架.关于单元测试的重要性,应该不会有太多的质疑.这个系列,我向大家介绍一下xUnit.Net的使用.就让我们一起来玩转xUnit.Net吧.本文要讨论的内容如下: 单元测试框架提供了什么 .Net平台常见单元测试框架介绍 xUnit.Net简介 xUnit.Net 安装 第一个xUnit.Net Case (一)单元测试框架的提供了什么 有很多小伙伴经常会提到所谓“框架”,框架这样的概念有很多比如:X…
本文想跟大家分享的是Selenium对PageObject模式的支持和自动化测试团队的构建.<Selenium For C#>系列的文章写到这里已经接近尾声了,如果之前的文章你是一篇篇的读下来并动手实践的话,我相信你应该可以模拟日常工作中80%常见的手动测试用例了.请注意:我的用词是模拟用例,而不是书写自动化测试用例.一个企业级的自动化测试的构建不是单靠Selenium一种技术就能Hold住的.所谓模拟指的是只能实现自动化的某个Case,但是不能工程化的使用.在本人所接触过几家公司的自动化测试…
在实际的自动化测试过程中,我们会遇见许多需要对窗口进行处理的情况.比如,点击删除某条信息的时候系统会显示一个Alert框.或者点击某个超链接时会在浏览器中打开一个新的页面.这一篇,来和大家分享一下Selenium WebDriver窗口处理相关的API.那么,还是照例先看一下本文主要涉及到的话题: 窗口处理接口:ITargetLocator 浏览器弹出窗口的处理(新页面) JavaScript弹出框的处理:Alert, Confirm, Prompt 内嵌框架的处理:Frame , iFrame…
无论你是用哪一种自动化测试的驱动框架,当我们构建一个复杂应用程序的自动化测试的时候.都希望构建一个测试流程稳定,维护成本较低的自动化测试.但是,现实往往没有理想丰满.而这一篇,我会为大家讲解我们在使用Selenium进行Web测试的时候应该如何控制我们的测试流程,从而尽可能地提高自动化测试可维护性.那么,先看一下这一篇的内容主要涉及到的话题: 自动化测试的成本 隐式的等待同步策略 显式的等待同步策略 自定义等待同步策略(一些关于自动化框架设计的探讨) (一)自动化测试的成本 <Selenium…
在我看来一个自动化测试平台的构建,是一种很好的了解开发语言,单元测试框架,自动化测试驱动,设计模式等等等的途径.因此,在下选择了自动化测试的这个话题来和大家分享一下本人关于软件开发和自动化测试的认识.刚刚开通了博客,就从最基础的开始吧,算是写给初学者的编程手记,也算是给对自动化完全不了解的小伙伴开个头.时间允许的话会坚持更新下去... ... 后续的文章计划会谈到一些企业级自动化测试平台的构建(但愿有时间完成哈~~). 关于自动化测试的框架,网上有很多相关的对比,在这里我我就不评论和对比了.本人…
Lessons learned from manually classifying CIFAR-10 Apr 27, 2011 CIFAR-10 Note, this post is from 2011 and slightly outdated in some places. Statistics. CIFAR-10 consists of 50,000 training images, all of them in 1 of 10 categories (displayed left). T…
What we learned in Seoul with AlphaGo March 16, 2016 Go isn’t just a game—it’s a living, breathing culture of players, analysts, fans, and legends. Over the last 10 days in Seoul, South Korea, we’ve been lucky enough to witness some of that incredibl…
Lesson 7: Responsive Typography In Action 排版一直都是设计和传达的基础.虽然现在的设计和印刷品设计差别很大,但核心原则还是不变的. Article 1: Bonus: Responsive Typography Experiment 不是英语,看不明白是什么 好像是展示网页实现的人脸识别功能. Article 2: Responsive Typography: The Basics 屏幕分辨率多了,网站设计已经从静态布局.本地字体向 动态布局.网络字体(…
Lesson 6: Exploring the World of Typefaces 这课提到的字体都是 英文 的. Article 1: More Google Web Fonts That Don't Suck 列出了很多 Google Fonts 上的好看的字体. FontFriend 这个工具可以改变网站的字体,让你看看各种字体在你的网站上到底是什么效果.很牛逼! Article 2: MyFonts Bestsellers These are the top 50 selling fo…
Lesson 5: Typography in Product Design Article 1: Interactive Guide to Blog Typography 布局(Layout) 用空白(white space)突出内容,或者说使用大量空白(empty space)使内容看起来框架清晰. 不要有太多分散注意力的东西,特别是侧边栏(sidebar)中的文本. 尺寸(Measure) 一行多少个字母(不是汉字)?大概 50-80 个会有最好的可读性,太多的话换行的时候就瞎了. 行高(…