Money King【题解】】的更多相关文章 题目大意:求一棵生成树使得路费用和/路长之和最小(路的费用是两端点的高度差) 最小比率生成树. 我们还是01分数规划的思想将边权变为路费用-路长*枚举的答案,跑一遍最小生成树即可. 但是debug的三个小时的我要对出题人说一句. CNM无良卡常!K算法被卡正常,堆优化Prim都被卡你是什么东西????!!! #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<cstring>…
开始更新咯 DP专题[题目来源BZOJ] 一.树形DP 1.bzoj2286消耗战 题解:因为是树形结构,一个点与根节点不联通,删一条边即可, 于是我们就可以简化这棵树,把有用的信息建立一颗虚树,然后开始DP即可 /* 思路: */ #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #define ll long lo…
我又傻了……竟然忘了区别大根堆和小根堆的性质,以至于一个符号打错,debug了半天……(我真是太菜了……) 题目描述 Once in a forest, there lived N aggressive monkeys. At the beginning, they each does things in its own way and none of them knows each other. But monkeys can't avoid quarrelling, and it only…
题意:n个王子有自己喜欢的ki个公主,有n个公主,每个王子只能娶一个自己喜欢的公主且不能绿别的王子.现在给你一种王子娶公主的方案,并且保证这种方案是正确的.请你给出,每个王子能娶哪些公主,要求娶这些公主时,其他王子也能娶到公主. 思路:还以为是完全匹配,直接暴力匹配显然TLE了.正解是缩点...我们把每个王子指向自己喜欢的公主们,然后把给定的方案中的公主指向自己嫁给的王子,然后缩点,同一个点中王子喜欢的公主都能娶.因为每个王子指向的肯定都是公主(至少两个),公主指向的肯定都是王子,所以想要形成一…
题目链接: 左偏树并查集不加路径压缩吧... #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn = 100000 + 10; struct Left_Tree{ int val, fa, son[2…
Content 给出现在的日期,请从 \(n\) 个人当中选出一个人,使得他是所有成年人(\(\geqslant 18\) 岁的人)中年龄最小的. 数据范围:设日期为 \(yy/mm/dd\),则有 \(1\leqslant n\leqslant 100,1\leqslant yy\leqslant 9999,1\leqslant mm\leqslant 12,1\leqslant yy\leqslant 31\). Solution 我们可以先把所有年龄小于 18 岁的人在输入的时候就把他给剔…
1087: [SCOI2005]互不侵犯King Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MB Submit: 2337 Solved: 1366 [Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 在N×N的棋盘里面放K个国王,使他们互不攻击,共有多少种摆放方案.国王能攻击到它上下左右,以及左上左下右上右下八个方向上附近的各一个格子,共8个格子. Input 只有一行,包含两个数N,K ( 1 <=N <=9, 0 <= K &…
[Educational Codeforces Round 16]A. King Moves 试题描述 The only king stands on the standard chess board. You are given his position in format "cd", where c is the column from 'a' to 'h' and dis the row from '1' to '8'. Find the number of moves perm…
King's Sanctuary Time Limit: 20 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description The king found his adherents were building four sanctuaries for him. He is interested about the positions of the sanctuaries and want…
King's Cake Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 736    Accepted Submission(s): 539 Problem Description It is the king's birthday before the military parade . The ministers prepared a… Desert King Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 18595   Accepted: 5245 Description David the Great has just become the king of a desert country. To win the respect of his people, he decided to b…
1087: [SCOI2005]互不侵犯King Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 1499  Solved: 872[Submit][Status] Description 在N×N的棋盘里面放K个国王,使他们互不攻击,共有多少种摆放方案.国王能攻击到它上下左右,以及左上左下右上右下八个方向上附近的各一个格子,共8个格子. Input 只有一行,包含两个数N,K ( 1 <=N <=9, 0 <= K <= N * N…
The King’s Problem Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2259    Accepted Submission(s): 795 Problem Description In the Kingdom of Silence, the king has a new problem. There are N citi…
Desert King Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 22717   Accepted: 6374 Description David the Great has just become the king of a desert country. To win the respect of his people, he decided to build channels all over his coun…
题目链接:hdu_5314_Happy King 题意: 给出一颗n个结点的树,点上有权值: 求点对(x,y)满足x!=y且x到y的路径上最大值与最小值的差<=D: 题解: 还是树的点分治,在统计答案的时候先按到根的最小值排序,然后用最大值减D去找有多少个满足答案. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define F(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;++i) using namespace std; typedef pair<int,int&g…
在N×N的棋盘里面放K个国王,使他们互不攻击,共有多少种摆放方案.国王能攻击到它上下左右,以及左上左下右上右下八个方向上附近的各一个格子,共8个格子. Input 只有一行,包含两个数N,K ( 1 <=N <=9, 0 <= K <= N * N) Output 方案数. Sample Input 3 2 Sample Output 16 题解:这题,就是处理两行,首先确定两行都是合法的, 然后枚举上下两行的转移,就可以了,和炮兵阵地差不多. 当然,要确定出,当前这一行的数量,要…
The King Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7499   Accepted: 4060 Description Once upon a time in a country far away lived a king and he had a big kingdom. He was a very clever king but he had one weakness -- he could count…
David the Great has just become the king of a desert country. To win the respect of his people, he decided to build channels all over his country to bring water to every village. Villages which are connected to his capital village will be watered. As…
题目链接: time limit per test: 2 seconds memory limit per test: 512 megabytes King Kog got annoyed of the usual laxity of his knights — they can break into his hall without prior notice! Thus, the King decided…
2018 ACM-ICPC 中国大学生程序设计竞赛线上赛: 题目链接: Clever King Description: In order to increase the happiness index of people's lives, King Y has decided to develop the manufacturing industry v…
King's Quest 题目连接: Description Once upon a time there lived a king and he had N sons. And there were N beautiful girls in the kingdom and the king knew about each of his sons which of those girls he did like. The sons o…
A. King of Thieves Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description In this problem you will meet the simplified model of game King of Thieves. In a new ZeptoLab game called "King of Thieves" y…
题目链接: The King's Ups and Downs Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) 问题描述 The king has guards of all different heights. Rather than line them up in increasing o…
题目链接: King's Order  Accepts: 381  Submissions: 1361  Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)  Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) 问题描述 国王演讲后士气大增,但此时战争还没有结束,国王时不时要下发命令. 由于国王的口吃并没有治愈,所以传令中可能出现:“让第三军-军…
[算法]状态压缩型DP [题解] (orz) dp[i][j][k]为前i行已经放了j个国王并且第i行的状态为k(二进制)的方案数. 状态左移右移预处理两行合法. dp[i][j][k] = Σdp[i-1][j - num[k]][p] #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm&…
King's Pilots 题目连接: Description The military parade will last for n days. There is a aerobatic flight shows everyday during the parade. On the ith day , Pi pilots are required. But the pilots are not wil…
King's Game 题目连接: Description In order to remember history, King plans to play losephus problem in the parade gap.He calls n(1≤n≤5000) soldiers, counterclockwise in a circle, in label 1,2,3...n. The firs…
King's Order 题目连接: Description After the king's speech , everyone is encouraged. But the war is not over. The king needs to give orders from time to time. But sometimes he can not speak things well. So i…
King's Cake 题目连接: Description It is the king's birthday before the military parade . The ministers prepared a rectangle cake of size n×m(1≤n,m≤10000) . The king plans to cut the cake himself. But he has…
King's Phone 题目连接: Description In a military parade, the King sees lots of new things, including an Andriod Phone. He becomes interested in the pattern lock screen. The pattern interface is a 3×3 square…