errors made, boundary conditions, <= vs < , decreasing vs increasing , ++, –, '0'/'1' vs 0/1 prototype of sum, return the starting position of c-style string containing the sum, just like sprintf return number of characters successfully read. p1=sum…
DataTables warning: table id=dateTable - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see…
Backend Server is still running (PID:). Please try 'euc-server stop' first. (原因很简单,进程控制脚本无restart函数功能,程序异常挂机,再用start命令启动进程,而之前由于异常关闭进程,未能清除进程的pid,因此再此使用start启动进程肯定启动不了此进程,只因程序进程控制脚本太烂,你可自行修改进程控制脚本事后,当前可简单清除此进程的pid再使用start启动进程即可)…
针对日期类java.util.Date进行类型转换,要求客户端使用"yyyy-MM-dd","yyyy/MM/dd"中的任意一种输入,并以"yyyy-MM-dd"的格式输出,该类型转换应用于全局范围 public class User { private String username;//名字 private Integer age;//年龄 private Date birthday;//生日 public String getUsernam…