给定 n 个点和 m 条边的一张图和一个值 k ,求图中边数为 k 的联通子图个数 mod 1e9+7. \(n \le 10^5, m \le 2 \times 10^5, 1 \le k \le 4\). 观察到 k 的值贼小,考虑分类讨论 下面代码中du[]代表点的度数.(度 找不到比较好的英文,而这个拼音比较巨,所以du是我的代码习惯中里出现拼音的少数几中情况之一)…
D. Dividing Kingdom II Long time ago, there was a great kingdom and it was being ruled by The Great Arya and Pari The Great. These two had some problems about the numbers they like, so they decided to divide the great kingdom between themselves. Th…