C++ class without pointer members】的更多相关文章

二 Class with pointer members(Class String) 1. 测试代码(使用效果) int main() { String s1(), String s2("hello"); //构造函数 String s3(s1); //拷贝构造 cout << s3 << endl; s3 = s2; //拷贝赋值 cout << s3 << endl; } 2 Big three(三种特殊函数) class Strin…
  写在前面 Object Oriented class 的分类:带指针的class和不带指针的class, class 的声明         这里有一个inline的概念,写在类里面的默认为inline,写在class外部的只有声明,为inline才有可能编译成Inline,最终编译时是否为inline,由编译器决定.Inline函数速度快. public: private:所有数据都应放在private,函数根据是否想要被外界调 使用对象 ×   √  构造函数: 想要创建一个对象,会自动…
class complex{ public: complex (double r = 0, double i = 0):re(r), im(i){} //inline complex& operator += {const complex&}; double real() const{return re;} //inline double imag() const{return im;} //inline private: double re,im; friend complex&…
这阵子真是太忙了, 连续做了四个课设. 当然这并不能作为好久没写博客的借口, 没写博客的主要原因只有一个: 懒. 最近又开始回顾C++的语法与特性(据说C++就是一门需要反复回顾的语言),以及学习C++的编程规范. 敲了C++Primer 5th 上的一道典型的练习题,纪念一下这即将过去的2016. 题目描述: 定义你自己版本的 StrBlobPtr, 更新 StrBlob类, 加入恰当的 friend 声明及begin 和 end 成员. 这道题目主要是练习 智能指针 share_ptr 和…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
1.All Types Are Derived from System.Object The CLR requires all objects to be created using the new operator(Employee e = new Employee("ConstructorParam1");) the new operator does: 1.It calculates the number of bytes required 2.It allocates memo…
Refer to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10828294/c-and-c-partial-initialization-of-automatic-structure The points, The linked gcc documentation does not talk of Partial Initialization it just talks of (Complete)Initialization or No Initializatio…
http://www.cnblogs.com/yvesliao/p/3938730.html PS: 使用单向依赖 正在看google c++编程规范,里面对头文件依赖是这么说的: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 使用前置声明(forward declarations)尽量减少.h文件中#include的数量. 当 一个头文件被包含的同时也引入了一项新的依赖(dependency),只要该头文件被修改,代码就要重新编译.如果你的头文件包含了其他头文件,这些头 文件的任何改变也将导…
Google C++ Style Guide   Table of Contents Header Files Self-contained Headers The #define Guard Forward Declarations Inline Functions Names and Order of Includes Scoping Namespaces Unnamed Namespaces and Static Variables Nonmember, Static Member, an…
Question: What does copying an object mean? What are the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator? When do I need to declare them myself? How can I prevent my objects from being copied? Answer: Introduction C++ treats variables of user-defin…