USB Reverse Tether (a dirty solution)】的更多相关文章

Tether your android phone to your PC using USB cable could share your 3g Internet connection with PC. In other words, your PC could connect to the Internet through your android phone. WHILE REVERSE TETHERING DOES EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. Background: Say…
个人理解 forward:端口映射 将本地PC指定Port端口,映射到设备手机指定Port端口上.以便解决 PC -> Phone 的访问问题PC 作为Client客户端 可以任意访问 Phone 上的 Server 服务器 参考例子 广域网 启动AirDroid APP - PC通过http://web.airdroid.com访问 同局域网: 启动AirDroid APP - PC直接访问指定局域网网址 不同网段(不同局域网): 启动AirDroid APP - 通过USB连接手机 - ad…
1.题目:   7. Reverse Integer Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer. Example 1: Input: 123 Output: 321 Example 2: Input: -123 Output: -321 Example 3: Input: 120 Output: 21 Note:Assume we are dealing with an environment which could…
通过暗码去打开/关闭usb debug开关 通过暗码去打开/关闭usb debug开关1. Description2. Analysis3. Solution4. Summary 1. Description 通过在dialer输入暗码,打开/关闭usb debug开关. 其实这个功能本来在settings下面就有的,如果是正式版的设备需要连续点击几次版本号才能将usb debug开关显示出来,通过暗码来打开估计是为了更加方便后续的操作吧. 2. Analysis 首先在dialer处进行逻辑判…
src: Before going further it is important to enumerate some of the main security features available on iOS. The same goes for the architecture security features, particularly the boot process and partitioning s…
Axis 1.x 编写的client在测试https的webservice的时候, 由于client 代码建立SSL连接的时候没有对truststore进行设置,在与https部署的webservice 连接会在运行时报出: PKIX path building failed:…
最长不重复子串 public class Solution { public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) { if(s==null || s.length()==0){return 0;} int len = s.length(),maxLen=0,slow=0,fast=0; HashMap<Character,Integer> map = new HashMap<Character,Integer>(); for(;fast&l…
A reverse version of the Dictionary algorithm :) If you AC-ed "Next Permutation II", copy it over and just reverse the conditions. class Solution { public: /** * @param nums: An array of integers * @return: An array of integers that's previous p… To Report Or Not To Report You have a nice application available on the Google Android Store and, as a developer, you have access to nice features giving you basic statistics…
When to use DataContract and DataMember attributes? I  am very confused about the DataContract attribute in WCF. As per my knowledge it is used for serialization user defined type like classes. I write a one class which is expose at client side. [Dat…